[et-mgmt-tools] Problem of using virt-install to create hvm guest, thanks for help!

vovfooo vovfooo at huaweisymantec.com
Tue May 26 07:57:28 UTC 2009

There is a problem need you help!

When I use virt-install to create a redhat5 hvm guest on redhat5 virtualization platform, it generated a config file.
name = "rh5_hvm"
uuid = "257b4f8c-a468-2391-952e-12fd0fcae56e"
maxmem = 256
memory = 256
vcpus = 1
builder = "hvm"
kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader"
boot = "c"
pae = 1
acpi = 1
apic = 1
localtime = 0
on_poweroff = "destroy"
on_reboot = "restart"
on_crash = "restart"
device_model = "/usr/lib/xen/bin/qemu-dm"
sdl = 0
vnc = 0
vncunused = 0
vncdisplay = "-5900"
disk = [ "file:/opt/redhat5hvm.img,hda,w", ",hdc:cdrom,r" ]
vif = [ "mac=00:16:3e:76:2d:bc,bridge=xenbr0,type=ioemu" ]
serial = "pty"
In this file, disk is named hda and hdc, but I do have two SATA disk sda and sdb.

And finally I cann't create the guest. Here is the information of the creating process.
[root at localhost xen]# virt-install
Would you like a fully virtualized guest (yes or no)?  This will allow you to run unmodified operating systems. yes
 What is the name of your virtual machine? rh5_hvm
 How much RAM should be allocated (in megabytes)? 256
 What would you like to use as the disk (file path)? /opt/redhat5hvm.img
 Would you like to enable graphics support? (yes or no) no
 What is the virtual CD image, CD device or install location?

Starting install...
Retrieving file .treeinfo...                                       0 B 00:00 
Retrieving file boot.iso. 100% |=========================| 6.9 MB    00:00     
Creating domain...                                                 0 B 00:01 
No console available for domain

Domain installation still in progress.  You can reconnect to 
the console to complete the installation process.
Running "xm list", I can see the information:

[root at localhost xen]# xm list
Name                                      ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State   Time(s)
Domain-0                                   0      985     2 r-----    111.2
redhat5                                    1      511     1 -b----     32.8
rh5_disk                                   3      255     1 -b----     32.2
rh5_hvm                                    5      255     1 ------      0.0

But when I try to login rh5_hvm using "xm console", I encountered an problem: 

[root at localhost xen]# xm console 5
xenconsole: Could not read tty from store: No such file or directory

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