/.journal ext3 on a flash

FabF fabian.frederick at skynet.be
Thu Jul 8 11:44:51 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-07-08 at 13:27, Norberto Mechán Pedrajas wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm formatting a flash with ext3, but I need to move the journaling file 
> (/.journal) in the flash to prevent it's corruption.
> In previous message I read that it's possible 
> (https://www.redhat.com/archives/ext3-users/2004-March/msg00009.html), but I 
> can't find any /.journal in my ext3 fs.
> How can move the journaling file in the flash without /.journal file??
...and there's no way to have journal in another device AFAIK ....


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