ext3 file system I/O blocks until reboot

Bruno Wolff III bruno at wolff.to
Tue Oct 21 03:37:22 UTC 2008

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 11:40:06 +1100,
  Robert Davidson <rdavidson at obsidian.com.au> wrote:
> I've had a look through bugzilla but couldn't find any similar bugs (the
> closest I can find is 439548 but I doubt very much that thats it).  Your
> bug 235043 does sound rather different since it sounds like new
> processes would be able to access the file system without a problem,
> where as on my system any new attempt to read (writing wasn't tested)
> just resulted in one more process stuck in the "D" state.

For a while. Eventually everything would lock up.

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