kjournald stuck in DW< state

Eric Sandeen sandeen at redhat.com
Tue Apr 14 15:02:43 UTC 2009

dkg_004 at verizon.net wrote:
> Ted,
> There are not OOPS messages.
> The kernel is provided by the CPU vendor. From what I know - the Ext3
> code has not been modified.
> At the moment I do not have list of modifications the vendor made, and
> not sure I will be able to get such list. I have the source code so
> probably I can compare with the stock kernel and see what has been changed.
> Upgrading the kernel to 2.6.29 will be difficult. Will it be possible to
> upgrade / patch the Ext3 code only? Will that work?

It'd be tough.  I've been playing with arm vendor kernels lately
(probably the same codebase) and doing some filesystem backporting...
it's possible but not for the faint-hearted.

You did sysrq-t; if sysrq-w is supported in the kernel it will give you
only the tasks in blocked state, which may show a deadlock more clearly?


> I will try with LOCKDEP and see what happens.
> Thanks a lot.
> Dimitar

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