damaged encrypted LUKS device

Bodo Thiesen bothie at gmx.de
Mon Nov 28 18:26:52 UTC 2011

* Markus Feldmann <feldmann_markus at gmx.de> hat geschrieben:

> Here comes my new output from <LANG=C e2fsck -n -C0 /dev/dm-1>
> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=x0siBmrj

Ok, the summary of that paste is:
| root at feld-bert:/home/markus# LANG=C e2fsck -n -C0 /dev/dm-1
| e2fsck 1.42-WIP (16-Oct-2011)
| e2fsck: Group descriptors look bad... trying backup blocks...
| Error writing block 1 (Attempt to write block to filesystem
|     resulted in short write). Ignore error? no
(more lines of this kind)
| e2fsck: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/dm-1
| Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?

And the bug report is here:

| 1. e2fsck should not try to write when using -n.
| 2. ignore error is not a question to be answered with "no" when
|    using -n but with "yes" instead.
| 3. I do not know what that "Device or resource busy" error is about
|    (someone else reported that problem on ext3-users at redhat.com, I'm
|    merely relaying that bug report), but it doesn't matter either: -n
|    means don't write and reading worked obviously.

> I will buy another 1 TByte harddisk these days and then make a
> byte-to-byte backup.

Do that. But before you start the copy, reboot your system, maybe there is
some processes waiting in disk-io on the problem disk (task state D in
process lists). At least, that's what
| e2fsck: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/dm-1
| Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?
suggest. However, that message may as well be caused by the other bug in

Maybe it could be useful to init 1, wait for the X server and other
stuff to stop and then log in on the text console and do the copy there,
so that all that normally fancy but for this problem nasty auto mounting
stuff is not active when you connect the disk(s) to your system.

Regards, Bodo

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