F7 Plan (draft)

Christopher Blizzard blizzard at redhat.com
Tue Dec 19 23:10:56 UTC 2006

Bill Nottingham wrote:
> 3. Use Pungi for tree building
> Accountable: Jesse Keating
> Must be nearly fully functional by Test 2, as it is a prereq of later
> features.

Does this include being able to replace pilgrim for what we're using for 
OLPC today?  No is a fine answer, but I'm just trying to plan.

> 4. A Fedora Desktop spin of F7
> Accountable: Jesse Keating (rel-eng), Jonathan Blandford, the Fedora
>   Desktop SIG (what, you say there isn't one?)

Are we keeping track of informed, responsible and consulted as well?  :D 
  I can probably throw my hat into consulted and possibly responsible, 
depending on what needs to happen.

> 8. Rock Solid Wireless
> Accountable: Dan Williams, Dave Jones
> For every wireless card we support, we should have working, tested
> support - it comes up on boot, it associates, it works with WEP and
> WPA, all out of the box. A requisite for hitting the laptop market.
> Drive fixes through NM, wpa_supplicant, kernel.

I can't give up Dan for this, I'm sorry.  Unless he does it under the 
radar, which is likely given the way that Dan works...

> 9. Wireless Firmware
> Accountable: Fedora-legal, me!
> For every wireless card we support and can get firmware to, we should
> work to make it included so things work out of the box.

Technical note: I have the ipw3945 working with suspend on this laptop 
with a bunch of pm shell hacks which I should post somewhere.

> 10. Boot and shutdown speedup
> Accountable: me!, David Zeuthen, YOUR NAME HERE
> We do enough Stupid Stuff that we can make easy improvements to startup
> and shutdown time without large systemic changes. Includes: tagging of
> scripts that don't need shut down, profiling of boot, potential changes
> to how we organize disk blocks, and more.

I am accountable as well - we need this for OLPC really bad and I will 
contribute where I can.  We're also building a bunch of automated timing 
and performance tests for OLPC that I'm sure we can apply to Fedora as a 
whole.  I will try to collect these tools from the wonderful and 
cheerful Chris Ball and try and get us using them as well.

Does this include David's new service activation code or not?  I'm hot 
for that for OLPC and I want to figure out what it's going to take to 
get that merged upstream so we can start using it.  It gets rid of a 
huge amount of what we have to do for 11 (init system changes.)

> Does Not Include: init system changes
> 11. Init system work
> Accountable: YOUR NAME HERE
> Evaluate: upstart, launchd, initng. Compare, contrast, benchmark. Define
> usage cases, see what fits what, and what is useful. Lots of research.
> Not much code.

For OLPC I'm going to try to get rid of as much of init as I can.  I'm 
serious about a 30 second startup in the next couple of months and will 
hack where I need to.

> 15. RandR 1.2
> Accountable: Adam Jackson
> RandR 1.2 is the new black. Even if you don't know you want it, you
> want it. Potential exists for a backport to the code we will be using,
> but there are no guarantees.

Needed for OLPC so it will land pretty early I suspect.

> 21. Real-time kernel
> Accountable: Ingo Molnar, Dave Jones
> Because fake-time kernels are so last year

Would love to have for OLPC.  We're already hitting apps that can't keep 
up without some real time support.

> 22. Tickless kernel support
> Accountable: Ingo Molnar, Dave Jones

Required for OLPC.  We're going to have to take some form of this.  Add 
me to the list.

> Saving power is good, mmkay?
> 23. Fix wakeups across the distribution
> Accountable: me, EVERYONE

Same here.


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