[fab] agenda for tomorrow

Max Spevack mspevack at redhat.com
Tue Jun 6 00:27:48 UTC 2006

On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, Josh Boyer wrote:

> On Mon, 2006-06-05 at 16:01 -0400, Max Spevack wrote:
>> Fedora Board meets tomorrow.  As usual, I'm sending the agenda to this
>> wider list, so that everyone can know what we're going to talk about ahead
>> of time, and we'll report back after the meeting.
> <snip>
>> * Extras sponsorship
>>  	- Is this process smooth?  I heard some grumblings at the Summit
>>  	- What do we need to fix?
> For those of use that weren't at the Summit, could you expand on what
> these grumblings were please?

Just that people can't get their packages sponsored, and things sit for a 
long time without any sort of review (either acceptance or rejection).

To some extent I agree with the logic of "the best packages will always 
find sponsors and bubble up", but I question whether or not that process 
is happening as quickly as it could, and if we're failing to capitalize on 
the skills/motivation of people who are good, only because we don't 
*realize* that they are good in a reasonable amount of time.

FESCO folks on this list: are there issues here?  what, if anything needs 
to be done?

>> I'm guessing we'll easily cover an hour on these topics.  But we're not 
>> hanging up the phones until we've got ownership and action items on 
>> this stuff.  I want to make sure we *make progress* rather than just 
>> *talk about* progress.  :-)
> That sounds dangerously productive ;)

It's a risk I'm willing to take!

Max Spevack
+ http://people.redhat.com/mspevack/
+ gpg key -- http://people.redhat.com/mspevack/mspevack.asc
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