[fab] agenda for tomorrow

Max Spevack mspevack at redhat.com
Tue Jun 6 00:32:41 UTC 2006

On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, Patrick W. Barnes wrote:

>> * Plone update
> http://fpserv.fedoraproject.org/ has been available for a while now, but very
> few people have done any work on it...
>> * We've talked about finishing the f.r.c migration, now it's time to
>> assign ownership and *make it happen*.
>>  	- what are the blockers?
> The biggest roadblock we face in making the f.r.c migration happen is the
> Plone site.

and here is the crux of the problem.  The plone instance is up and 
running, but as you say, few people have participated, and the lack of 
participation and clarity between plone and the wiki is blocking the f.r.c 

If there is technical expertise w.r.t Plone that is lacking, then that's 
one issue to be solved.

If it's simply a matter of websites/docs folks getting around to moving 
content around and figuring out the details of that amongst themselves, 
that is an entirely separate issue, and easily solved simply by 
introducing some deadlines.

The Board touched on this briefly at the end of our last meeting, but we 
were out of time to discuss it.

I wonder if Elliot should lead this effort, roping in and delegating to 
the Docs/Websites people who are needed.  Elliot, you got any thoughts?

> I'd like to volunteer to help with this.  Now that we have guidelines for how
> the logo should be included in other graphics, we need a clear policy about
> where and how it can be used.  We're still getting a lot of questions, and
> it's starting to have PR implications.

Excellent.  Let's chat offline about about the todos, and then get them 


Max Spevack
+ http://people.redhat.com/mspevack/
+ gpg key -- http://people.redhat.com/mspevack/mspevack.asc
+ fingerprint -- CD52 5E72 369B B00D 9E9A 773E 2FDB CB46 5A17 CF21

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