[fab] Succession Planning

Paul W. Frields stickster at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 22:12:53 UTC 2006

Seth did his duty on this issue back in May (bravo, sirrah!):


We subsequently dropped this particular thread, but should resurrect it.
(Eww, shambling reanimated thread.)  I volunteer to write this up into a
draft on the wiki... any further thoughts are welcome.

Here's one:

* FC6 is rapidly approaching.  Is the intent that the board will replace
one-half the community members at this time, or will the first
nomination/election process take place at ~FC7?  If we do it at FC6,
half the seats will only serve for one release, which seems a bit, er,
truncated, while the alternative puts half the seats in positions of
Phenomenal Cosmic Power(tm) for three releases.  I would rather see a
"buyback" of whatever honeymoon period the Board had, and choose the
latter option, but that's an issue that needs a quick decision.

Awaiting the chopping block,

Paul W. Frields, RHCE                          http://paul.frields.org/
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