[fab] 2006-06-20 agenda

Max Spevack mspevack at redhat.com
Mon Jun 19 17:21:04 UTC 2006

Here's the agenda for tomorrow's Fedora Project Board meeting:

1.  July 4th meeting, need to decide what to do about it.

2.  Review action items:

* Update from Elliot on version control discussion that has been started.

* Update from Elliot on infrastructure.  Is Luke Macken working on 
anything currently?

* Did FESCO talk about the sponsorship questions that were raised in our 
last meeting?  Did they make any decisions?  What were those decisions?

* FUDCon -- Brazil and Silicon Valley.  Max needs to get the ball rolling 

* Legacy -- Jesse, did you get what you needed for the time being? 
Anything else we can do for you right now?

* Update from Max on codifying official fedora projects, incubators, etc.

3.  New business:

* How's the Doc team's schedule looking for plone, wiki, etc.  From their 
June 6th meeting:
 	Schedule (current)
 	14 June Wednesday -- Plone Show-and-tell
    		- Content TBD
 	End of June -- Wiki usable for outputting XML for CMS
 	June, July  -- Work on automating various outputs and inputs

* I don't really have any for this meeting, anyone else who's reading 
these words have some?

* How's fc6-test1 looking so far?  Get the Board up to speed.

* Any other suggestions from our readership???

Max Spevack
+ http://people.redhat.com/mspevack/
+ gpg key -- http://people.redhat.com/mspevack/mspevack.asc
+ fingerprint -- CD52 5E72 369B B00D 9E9A 773E 2FDB CB46 5A17 CF21

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