[fab] Re: Firefox splash page tracker

Christopher Blizzard blizzard at redhat.com
Thu Oct 5 04:16:45 UTC 2006

seth vidal wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-10-04 at 23:39 -0400, Christopher Blizzard wrote:
>> seth vidal wrote:
>>> hey guys,
>>>  The goal of this tracker is to determine how many folks we have
>>> installing fedora, right?
>>> If we can assume that it is likely that a user will be using
>>> yum/pirut/puplet in a default install then we should be able to gather
>>> the information on how many folks are using it (hence installing fedora)
>>> from the mirrors.fedoraproject.org mirrorlist generating program. It'll
>>> track hits against it and we can then mine those logs for the number of
>>> users w/o obtaining much other information than 'they used
>>> yum/pirut/puplet'.
>>> It also requires nothing of us other than putting a log watcher on
>>> fedoraproject.org.
>> Does that track unique users or just hits?  Hits isn't that interesting. 
>>   Unique visitors is.
> it's just a url running under apache. It tracks what apache tracks
> whenever someone hits a page. So, yes, definitely tracking unique
> visitors.

There are only two ways that I know of to track unique visitors.  1. 
Cookies or 2. Explicit registration (or registration behind the scenes.)

I suspect you're thinking of unique IPs (as greg mentions in other 
email?)  Or do pup + friends track using cookies?


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