[fab] Re: Firefox splash page tracker

Christopher Blizzard blizzard at redhat.com
Fri Oct 6 16:40:26 UTC 2006

seth vidal wrote:
>>> That's inappropriate and I will resist it.
>> I'm not that interested in the what or the who - just the if.  That is, 
>> are they using it?  That's it.
> Then choose your terminology much more carefully. It sounds a lot like
> you're interested in individual ips/users and when they interact with
> the system.

I'm interested in some set of those.  Bill (in another message) talks 
about tracking what packages people are using.  As part of what I'm 
suggesting (just a web cookie or auto generated uuid on the system) 
isn't that.  Doesn't show what someone is doing, or what they have used 
it for.  Just that it exists.


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