why I'm using Ubuntu instead of Fedora ATM

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Wed Jan 3 15:00:35 UTC 2007

Rob Garth wrote:
> I am not part of the Fedora Project and so I guees my opinion is fairly 
> meaningless but on the LTS support stuff. FC6 is the upstream of RHEL5. 
> This means that resources are already going into supporting basically 
> the same code base, I know it is a fork, but there is more similar than 
> different, so could the fedora releases that are upstream of RHEL be LTS 
> releases? 2 years would be lovely.

That fact that RHEL is forked and maintained for a longer period doesnt 
help Fedora retain a longer lifecycle. The general policy on updates is 
way different. This becomes more and more visible over after the initial 


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