why I'm using Ubuntu instead of Fedora ATM

Jesse Keating jkeating at redhat.com
Wed Jan 3 20:04:18 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 03 January 2007 14:52, David Zeuthen wrote:
> Maybe I'm missing something or maybe I just don't get it, but how can
> rolling back version numbers *instead* of bumping another number (Epoch)
> ever be considered a solution? Have we done this before, and if so, what
> was the justification? Thanks.

Yes, we've rolled back before.  I don't have specific examples, but it 
happens.  We've also flat out removed packages introduced during test times.  
Introducing epochs is ugly and will hang over the package forever, and every 
effort should be made to avoid it.  Because we have the 'right' currently to 
not worry much about going from T1 to T2 or T2 to T3 or T3 to final, we have 
a way of preventing epoch.

Jesse Keating
Release Engineer: Fedora
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