why I'm using Ubuntu instead of Fedora ATM

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Wed Jan 3 22:03:08 UTC 2007

Rob Garth wrote:

> Fedora is the upstream of many projects. Some of which are considered 
> productions systems, RHEL and OLPC, and probably others. I am guessing 
> that these projects all maintian there own patches, and may indeed have 
> a longer support life the Fedora. Doesn't it make sense for some of the 
> maintainence work to be done in the upstream. I will shut up about this 
> now though, sorry to stir the pot.

Pretty much all of these derivative systems contribute in one way or the 
other. Much of RHEL development is shared by Fedora but once they fork 
for release they diverge quickly with Fedora updates sticking closer to 
the upstream versions and RHEL usually getting only backported security 
and bug fixes. OLPC software development work on things like the sugar 
user interface which doesnt affect Fedora directly yet but they have 
helped in various fixing performance issues throughout the distribution, 
dependency issues etc but these derivates dont help much on extending 
the lifecycle of Fedora itself.


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