The Multimedia Question

Paul W. Frields stickster at
Thu Jul 19 17:30:40 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-07-19 at 00:34 -0300, Alexandre Oliva wrote:
> Since CodecBuddy would be used by users as means to obtain information
> and software that can decode formats they don't have software to
> decode, having it obtain information from the internet before
> obtaining the software per se wouldn't be a major issue.
> That said, we could include the educational-only message in the
> CodecBuddy package itself, and use file:// URLs to make them available
> even when disconnected from the internet.

Cf. HAL policy, for example.  Fedora contains a shipped configuration
(XML, whatever) that ties a particular button to a method that displays
informative information.  Third-party repos ship codec-buddy-$our_name,
which maybe $our_name-release requires, that overrides this policy to
provide a different callback, such as calling yum.  A thousand ways to
skin this cat, but the essence is that third party repos should be able
to provide this functionality.

Paul W. Frields, RHCE                
  gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
      Fedora Project: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug
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