Fedora code of conduct

Dave Carlson thecubic at thecubic.net
Wed Mar 21 08:58:31 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 20 March 2007 21:41:02 Mike McGrath wrote:
> Write up some guidelines and see if people approve of them. 

Here's a start:

 * Flaming and trolling are absolutely prohibited.
 * Unscrupulous personal comments lead to defections; avoid ad hominem.
 * Courtesy to all technical and linguistic skill levels is necessary.
 * Kindness and respect are mandatory in dealing with differing opinions.

Kidding aside, I don't think we can get something concrete out of a code of 
conduct process.  With that, we're left with what amounts to "No Jackassery".  
If someone crawls on to our list and (e.g.) calls Alan Cox a noob, well, we 
can all have a laugh.  Or are we so easily offended and fragile that decorum 
necessitates bureaucracy?

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