Legal Update

Monkey Boy monkeyboythom at
Fri Nov 16 22:10:07 UTC 2007

So no real involvement with any country specific legal authority. Because
from what I take - a: to be too immense in scope (what countries would we
really need)  to b: it looks like a lot of work. Fair enough.

Contributory infringement

> The other form of indirect infringement, contributory infringement,
> requires (1) knowledge of the infringing activity and (2) a material
> contribution -- actual assistance or inducement -- to the alleged piracy.
> Posting access codes from authorized copies of software, serial numbers,
> or other tools to assist in accessing such software may subject you to
> liability. Providing a forum for uploading and downloading any copyrighted
> file or cracker utility may also be contributory infringement. Even though
> you may not actually make software directly available on your site,
> providing assistance (or supporting a forum in which others may provide
> assistance) in locating unauthorized copies of software, links to download
> sites, server space, or support for sites that do the above may
> contributorily infringe.

So why even have this page? Yes, those are worthwhile products but why even
invite such issue, even if cleared by RedHat legal? Also, who is responsible
for updating and managing this page? And to, what makes the cut and what
does not when considering these third party applications? To me, it is just
as much time to review each and every app as it would be to find country
specific legal advice.

-thom wiley
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