Fedora Board Meeting Recap 2009-03-03

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Wed Mar 4 17:42:24 UTC 2009

Recap and full IRC transcripts for the moderated and public channels are 

Please make corrections and clarifications to the wiki page.

= Fedora Project Board Meeting :: Tuesday 2009-03-03 =

== fedoraforever Trademark Approval ==
* Request from Scott Williams (vwbusguy)
* fedoraforever.* domain for a TM license agreement.
* '''RESOLVED:'''
** board grants trademark usage to Scott Williams
** Paul Frields to followup with Scott Williams on the trademark agreement

== Creative Commons Repo ==
* http://bpepple.fedorapeople.org/fesco/FESCo-2009-02-20.html is the 
meeting at which this was discussed by FESCo
* http://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/65
* Should the board permit the Fedora name (trademark) on a potential 
CC-content repo.
* Board took an incomplete vote on using the Fedora name for this initiative
* Further discussion showed that the board is not clear what FESCo plans 
to do with this approval
*# Determine exactly what FESCo is requesting and what they plan to do
*# Discuss further at a future board meeting

== ph.fedoracommunity.org Trademark Approval ==
* '''RESOLVED:'''
** board grants trademark usage to ph.fedoracommunity.org

== Questions & Answers ==
* kambiz asked if the Board approves of the farsi.fedoracommunity.org 
idea and who will decide the prefix
* embargoed countries
* inode0 asked for more transparency into the board decision making process
* diauq asked if the Board considered increasing the number of public 
meetings, either via IRC or listen-only VoIP?
* nirik asked if there is any news regarding The Incident from last 
year, or if there is any news on when there might be news.
* jjmcd asked if there is any concern that we might have overextended 
ourselves with F11, in particular whether or not we have the QA and docs 
resources to properly test and document the vast       multitude of 
features that are lined up for the release
* MostafaDaneshvar asked about the Board's position is regarding 
embargoed nations

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