"What is the Fedora Project?"

Christopher Aillon caillon at redhat.com
Thu Oct 8 21:03:38 UTC 2009

On 10/08/2009 03:17 PM, Mike McGrath wrote:
> We can advance the whole Linux field faster if we're not so focused on
> people that have expressed an interest in not using our software.  Let us
> innovate, let the other distros polish and customize as they see fit.

No, that would advance Fedora's brand of Linux.  It would do nothing to 
bring more people to the total FOSS/Linux count, we'd just be shuffling 
people around from distro to distro.

Mozilla has made great strides in getting people to convert from 
proprietary software to free software by giving people an alternative 
which works just as well or better than the proprietary software for 
what people use it for.

If we are truly committed to advancing FOSS, we need to do the same as 
best as we can.

We need to do the things that people use an OS for as well or better 
than the other OSes people use.  There are many features of other OSes 
that aren't frequently used by people.  If we get the big use cases, 
chances are we'll get help with the rest.

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