"What is the Fedora Project?"

Máirín Duffy mairin at linuxgrrl.com
Fri Oct 9 21:33:00 UTC 2009

On 10/09/2009 12:32 PM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> Another example of a positioning model that I am unsure if anyone
> follows - what if Fedora *is* the default spin, and the other spins were
> posed primarily as 'content packs' that you can load onto the default
> Fedora (still keeping the bootable spin images, but they aren't center
> stage as much as the spin content itself.)
> What I would like to see come out of this discussion is a better story
> around the relationships and positioning of the elements of Fedora. I
> think right now we've got a bit of a messy smorgasbord. :-/ I would like
> to see us explore other models of refining and presenting our menu and
> some discussion around which models support our goals and values as a
> community.

Here's my poor attempt at drawing up a diagram of one possible model...


What do you think? Are there other models we can sketch up?


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