[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Special request: screenshots of FC5t2 desktop

Greg DeKoenigsberg gdk at redhat.com
Fri Feb 10 04:18:26 UTC 2006


There's a magazine called GCN (Government Computer News) in the US, and 
they're trying to do a nice article on Fedora Core 5's upcoming desktop -- 
and how much more usable it is than it's ever been.  The author has 
written the article already basically, and it's quite favorable -- but she 
needs good screenshots.

So I need your help!  I think we need a screenshot that shows off:

* An evolution window
* A firefox window
* Some notes on the screen with tomboy
* Enough of the background showing so you can tell it's FC5

Maybe this is actually multiple screenshots, but this is the general idea.

We can also use these for fp.o, if we don't have them there already.

Thanks for any help that anyone can give.


Greg DeKoenigsberg || Fedora Foundation || fedoraproject.org
Be an Ambassador || http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors

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