[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Be a critique

Pablo Barrera Franco pablo at barrerafranco.com.ar
Tue Feb 21 16:38:19 UTC 2006

All the FOSS community have a very BIG problem. We develope software 
thinking about what WE WANT from an Operating System and not what
the People NEED to use. That´s why Linux doesnt grow on desktop 
acceptance for example.

So I am disagree with some things I will put all the quotes and my opinion.

On 2/21/06, Rahul Sundaram <sundaram at fedoraproject.org> wrote:

We have to tell Linux users we (Fedora) have the BEST technical
support, besides talking we must act too of course.

- Exactly, we have the best support but PEOPLE DOESNT KNOW IT. We are not intuitive for Support! If some one needs
support for Fedora in Wiki, they mus to learn to use the wiki first to make a consult. Like ambassador responsability
could be usefull a direct chat via web available for countries for example. People needs RIGHT NOW support. IRC channels
has too much Benevolent Despotism, and no too much kind to support ¨not open source users¨. 

Clair says

I actually like Anaconda. It's easy to use.

- yes, but doesnt have minimal functions like resize partitions in a 
easy way. A windows users need to make space for their discs with another
tools. It is not necesary if we have a default resizing tool. 
Enhacements are useful, but better usefull it they are includes.

Eurgh.. I hate SuSE's control panel...

- I hate it too, but dont think about you think about people.

I have to agree with that.. a one-disc install would be nice. I noticed 
that Debian/Ubuntu gets packages from the internet - why can't Fedora? 
(If people want the packages on CD, then I think the 4 CD pack/1 DVD is 
still quite nice) - why can't we have both? Clair

- Sounds better.


Rahul says

We are unlikely to drop years of work wholesale. Lets be realistic about 
things. What would be better is to use the anaconda mailing list and 
bugzilla to discuss ideas for enhancements. The current plans are 
available at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/AnacondaWorkItems.

-Somebody ask for critics, everybody know the best place to discuss. I 
give you my critics.

Try out system-config-control in Fedora Extras.

- PEOPLE need the things solve. People will have the time to discover 
the imrpovements if we make more easy the startup...

System-config-network and Firestarter in Fedora Extras can be used for 

Centralized! Centralized!. Just like Mandriva!!! Just like SuSE! Its not 
an style concern, its a user aceptance business.

> ,
> No Cuztomization of services,



> , bad Network manager,

You will have to file bugs if you find anything bad. That would be a 
good way to provide feedback to the developers on improving it

- Not talking about bugs, talking about non intuitive manner to 
configure network!

> no wizzards, 

Pretty much all of the graphical tools within Fedora (system-config*, 
pirut etc) are intended to provide

- SuSE and Mandriva are ¨sons¨of Red Hat. Why they are doing the things 
better than this in this tips?. Red Hat is the Open Source Leader.
The Open Source Number One company. But certaing improvements are better 
in other distributions. Ironic, too much ironic.

> no integrated GUI Firewall (firestarter could be an option)

System-config-securitylevel which is also integrated within Anaconda 
provides this functionality

Centralized! :'(

> Up2date? Yum extender? or KLIK!
> Yes, we have klik a MacOS style installer. A synaptic like interface 
> with rpm packages is the best option. Yum extender even is not
> official is worst than Synaptic.

Pup provides a updater and Pirut provides package management within 
Fedora Core 5. If you would like to integrate Klik go right ahead.

-we have a missundertood here. I pacth myself my own fedora and my 
customers machines. I am talking about usability for external users.
for official releases. Still i am working with goverment here and we are 
making a Real Fedora Desktop and Server with all this tools, because
the official path doesnt have the intention to improve this. Integrate 
means in this critic, INTEGRATE FOR EVERYONE. (think about people...)

Its not installed by default anymore from Fedora Core 5 and likely to be 
dropped in Fedora Core 6.

- Better

A single CD can be used for a minimal installation. Only 2 CD's  are 
required for a desktop installation. Yum isnt as useful as ISO images in 
many places. The longer team goal would be a effective reorganization of 
the packages so that end users can mix and match any set of packages 
while increasing the availability of packages within the ISO images.

- You know that it is possible to put one fully functional Linux in one 
CD. Dont kid me please :-)

Bluecurve has not been the default theme for Gnome since Fedora Core 3. 
Both KDE and GNOME is provided within Fedora Core and other desktop 
environments within Fedora Extras.

- Think about people....dont think about you....

> Non technical tips
> When we make a critic is not possible to split the Fedora roadmap 
> around non technical issues. Strategy for US based countries
> is not the option.

Not sure what you mean here. Red Hat and Fedora Foundation are US based 
entities and increasingly a global presence. In every region Fedora is 
being distributed the strategies will have to evolve around the local 
laws and culture among other things.

- US to the world strategy will not work.  Increasing global presence 
doesnt guarranty the success. The dinamic of spread Fedora has too much 
US style. And US style
will not work in nonUS countries. Its about philosophy. (its about the 
incapability form US based projecto to not see the reality, the USbased 
methods for spread Open Source doesnt work in other places...) Global 
strategy for difussion is the key...

> Non intuitive wiki,

What is non intuitive about http://fedoraproject.org/wiki?

- Think about a newcommer to Open Source and Fedora. Think about a 
newcommer to Wiki technologies. Think about people. Moin Moin is for 
Developers and Power Users to Developers and power users. If you have 
policies to spread Fedora, a CMS with simple and direct information, 
will be more simple to get Open Source ideas and resources. Make simple 
to people. (Think about newcommer).

> non subdomains for localized Fedora Community (fedoraproject.org/us 
> /chile /germany

There are already several domains available. A partial list is available 
at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommunityWebsites. You can contact 
Elliot Lee (sopwith At redhat.com) for setting up other sites if you are 
interested in that.


> with a centralized CMS system, etc...

This is work in progress. Refer to 
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites/CMS and 

- I offer my help, but nobody answer my mails...:-8

> No book of spread fedora, slides rules, motivation program for ambassador

http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Books and 
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Presentations. Ambassadors are largely 
enthusiastic and self motivated people. We depend on ambassadors to 
motivate others and get them interested and involved with Fedora.

- I read it. Too much complex, not good indexing. In spite of this next 
march when fedora core argentina site will be available i will show what 
i am talking about.

> , tools for get
> more people around FOSS. 

Use Fedora. That is the biggest tool for you to get everyone with FOSS.

- Think in Free Software, Develope in Open Source world, Use GNU/Linux, 
and Fedora will be the tool to spread the idea, the concept, the model 
and the advantages.
Linux IS NOT a product. Is a process alive!

Anyway its good exchange opinions dont you think?
Think about people....we are not too much different that other 
ones....we are not saviors...we are leaders....

Pablo Barrera Franco 
Fedora Ambassador Argentina
pablo at barrerafranco.com.ar
IM   : pablo.barrera at jabber.org
Skype: p.barrera
Cel  : +54 11 [15] 6187 1603

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