[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Be a critique

Aurelien Bompard gauret at free.fr
Wed Feb 22 10:24:30 UTC 2006

> Rhetoric: Well, if they are not good enough for the kernel, why should
> they be good enough for Fedora users?

Sure that is the official reason. But go tell that to someone who does not 
have internet connection with Fedora, but does with Ubuntu/Mandriva/SuSE. 
He won't think Fedora is a higher-quality distribution, quite the contrary.

If a user has to choose between "not working" and "working but could crash", 
I'm pretty sure he won't hesitate long.

> The problem here IMHO is that 
> those project first try to write a complete and full featured driver and
> then try to merge it with the kernel. That often does not work. Look at
> LKML, you'll find enough examples. Someone should tell those project:
> "If the USB-Modem driver works basically try to merge it with the
> kernel. After that was done start to enhance it. That's better for
> everyone."

But merging a driver in the kernel can take a long time. People with a new 
USB modem need the internet access as fast as possible.

> I don't think you'll get them included in Core. But having them in
> Extras is better then nothing.

Right. But the best way would be to have them in core, or available on the 
install CDs. After all, first it has to enter Extras, then it can possibly 
go in Core.

Thanks for your input anyway

http://aurelien.bompard.org  ~~~~  Jabber : abompard at jabber.fr
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce
bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." -- Rich Cook

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