[Fedora-ambassadors-list] meeting for all Ambassadors

Pablo Barrera Franco pablo at barrerafranco.com.ar
Fri Feb 24 03:04:27 UTC 2006

Thinking about it, it is a good idea, but in some ¨other¨continents the 
things are very big different. Europe
probably is the best place to do that. Even, in April will a FISL in 
Porto Alegre Brazil, probably meet there for
Northamericans or even Europeans (you have the money to travel ;-), 
could be a better option to meet an importan
part of us.

I am agree to put efforts in spread Fedora, at least in this latitudes. 
Could be an option, that Red Hat invites all the ambassadors
to Summit in Nashville and pay all the costs ;--) (just kiddin...)

Anyway , Brazillian  and Argentian ambassadors will meet in brazil next 
april. Europeans, come to Southamerica! you can do that!

Pablo Barrera Franco 
Fedora Ambassador Argentina
pablo at barrerafranco.com.ar
IM   : pablo.barrera at jabber.org
Skype: p.barrera
Cel  : +54 11 [15] 6187 1603

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