[Fedora-ambassadors-list] regarding the Excel List

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Sun Jan 8 13:39:31 UTC 2006

Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay wrote:

>Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>>>btw: I realy feel like Mahatma Ghani right now, fighting will those
>>>Microsoft Buffs,
>>>they know i am to be true, but they refuse to take the pill (the Red
>>Really offtopic now, but thats Mahatma Ghandi and being an ambassador is
>>about increasing awareness on the benefits of Free, Open source software
>>througj Linux and in particular, Fedora rather than about fighting any
>>entity in particular.
>And additionally off topic - it is Mahatma Gandhi (and not anything
>otherwise) :)
Duh. Must get more coffee.


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