[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Mono in Fedora: Messaging

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Wed Jan 11 20:52:47 UTC 2006

Aurelien Bompard wrote:

>Le Mercredi 11 Janvier 2006 20:42, Greg DeKoenigsberg a écrit :
>>"Business considerations that prevented Mono from being included
>>previously have now been resolved."
>>That's the only official answer available.  For now.
>To what people usually answer « Yeah, so it really was a 
>Mono-is-from-Novell-so-we-don't-include-it story, patents were just an 
>excuse ». I'd really like to prove them wrong, do you know if we will have 
>more info some day, and if yes, when ?
There is many stuff being developed primarily by Novell and included by 
Red Hat. Evolution for example and I could come up with countless 
examples everywhere right from kernel upto the GNOME stack for things 
developed by Red Hat and included in Novell, Sun, Apple etc. Libxml for 
example. Its not a dog vs cat fight. We can coordinate and compete in 
better terms.So its should be easy enough to dimiss silly speculations 
like that. Greg mentioned about a Fedora Foundation press that might 
provide more information and it unlikely to go much beyond that.


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