[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Cost of producing Fedora stuff

Thomas Chung tchung at fedoraproject.org
Thu Jun 15 17:09:46 UTC 2006

On 6/15/06, Pawel Sadowski <mcgiwer at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to ask one question. I am planning to prepare something about 200
> T-shirts and the same amount of Fedora DVDs for the future events
> (LinuxWorld was postponed and as I know will be propably on autumn).
> More-less in the same time, there will be few events in Poland - Fedora
> Open Days, LinuxWorld as I mentioned and a Red Hat conference - maybe it
> will be possible to place Fedora booth there, so I will need swag. I can
> order it from the US, but I think it would be cheaper if I produced it
> locally (one Fedora T-shirt at Red Hat Cool Stuff Store is $15, while
> cost of one T-shirt in Poland would be about $6). As I mentioned in my
> previous e-mail - it is too large amount for me to pay for 200 T-shirt
> by myself. What can I do in this situation? If it comes about the
> shipping cost from the US, I could do something what nman-64 suggested
> (shipping it to someone in the US, who could forward it to me - I hae
> already tried with Red Hat Cool Stuff, but resigned temporaily, I will
> do it in future), but these costs of one T-shirt... I think best idea
> will be to produce it locally, but I have to know how is the design on
> T-shirts printed, I mean in what technology. Is it embroidered or just
> printed? I would like the T-shirts as beautiful as you have them in your
> store :) I will buy some stuff from the Red Hat Cool Stuff store either
> way (I want few things fromt there ;)), so I could also order Fedora T-
> shirts, DVDs and maybe cups, but if it would be cheaper locally then I
> don't know what to do :> Give me some advice, please. I will be very
> grateful :)
> Best regards,
> Pawel Sadowski

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Thomas Chung

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