[Fedora-ambassadors-list] My status and some other stuff

mosp info at kampnytt.com
Thu Mar 30 15:17:11 UTC 2006


I have had some serios problems with FC5 and havent been able to reply 
to anything on the list. Here are some updates on my last post on the 
list and some thoughts/requests.

--- My Status as an ambassador ---

Sorry Alex for not replying to you message on my ambassador status. My 
computer crashed and i lost that list. Anyhow, i have decided to stay 
and to do what i can. I have signed up for the project that Clair 
mentioned to me about.

Mainly now i am focusing on how i can do my work as an ambassador. 
Mainly i would need a professional website to get where i need to be.

Other than that i will continue with what i have been doing. I will not 
attend that many meetings. Mostly because of lack of time, but also 
because they dont really help or give me anything useful.

--- Distributing dvd's ---

Attended last meeting and followed the discussion on dvd's being 
distributed. I really dont care how or where these are distributed. What 
i do care about are that if these dvd's are handed out or mailed 
somewhere, these cds have to look professional. We really need to have 
an image that will be printed on every dvd distributed that makes it 
look manufactured (take a look at the ubuntu project)

A homeburned dvd with some simple print on it is really bad. That doesnt 
look good at all. And can basically hurt Fedora Core. I have seen and 
heard people talk about these things and a simple print is just as bad 
as if you write Fedora Core on the dvd with a marker.

--- Help with marketing/support ---

I really need some help with builing an base for fedora. A website with 
a proper domain. And considering that the government is taking most of 
my income i cant pay this myself.

Is there any possibility to get help with domainregistration and 
webhotell fees?
I can talk to companies about the price so it wont be expensive.

This would make a huge difference from how things are today. I dont have 
the proper channels to promote fedora. No way to do this in a 
professional way.

Thats all for now!

Best regards,

Mikael Jacobsson (mosp)
Fedora Core Sweden

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