[Ambassadors] Active/Inactive Ambassadors

Jeffrey Tadlock linux at elfshadow.net
Tue Apr 3 21:56:22 UTC 2007

Francesco Ugolini wrote:
> Active Ambassador is a person who report his work, it's not important to
> do this trough M-L or irc, he can send a mail to FAmSCo or to another
> ambassadors that will report your activity, but we need reports.

An active ambassador is someone that promotes Fedora - whether it be at 
work, to friends and family, to their local LUG or at Open Source events 
near them.  Reporting of those events is just icing on the cake.

Yes, communication is good and should certainly be encouraged.  But to 
declare people such as Tony and Casey and certainly many others inactive 
because they didn't report what they do on a regular basis is *very* 
short-sighted.  Why do we even want to risk alienating these people?

As someone else mentioned - having inactive ambassadors costs the 
project nothing.  Trying to weed out inactive (I still haven't been 
convinced we have a good way to determine activity yet) can cause much 
more harm than any good it can bring us.

Where does the rest of FAMSCO stand on this issue?


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