[Ambassadors] FAD2007 meeting minutes

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh.goorah at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 23:58:39 UTC 2007


Here's the meeting minutes of the FAD 23-25 November 2007:

(see the tarball)

* A legal European entity
 to be registered in Germany
* Voted FUDCon at LinuxTag2008
* Voted Centos to be the project with which Fedora will share the FOSDEM devroom
* Presence at various european events
* FAMSCo candidates
* swags and livecd media distribution throughout various events
* more cooperation between Fedora ambassadors from various countries
* Event box
* Fedora Ambassador Meetings
* status of Fedora European contributors with respect to their country.
* Discussed how to improve Fedora participation during EMEA events
*  .... the list goes on.

One year later when GeroldKassube initiated the first FAD, we have
seen the number of FAD attendees doubled. During this last FAD, the
attendees volunteered to take responsibilities to lead by example:
 * setting new gear to FAMSCo
 * relaunch online meeting
 * ...
Everyone (FAD attendees) will agree with me that we have covered more
discussions (fedora related) that we might have done on IRC.

I now invite everyone to post a url where they have uploaded their photos:)


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