[Ambassadors] The weekly ambassador meetings

Fabian Affolter fab at fedoraproject.org
Tue Oct 30 22:59:26 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

Back to the topic.  After the discussions around the weekly Ambassadors
Meeting [1] we are going to make a reorganization.  This should improve
the quality and the efficiency of the meetings.  Now, I know that not
everybody agrees that IRC Ambassadors Meetings are the right way.  I
like FADs much more than IRC meetings.  But as long as the financial
resources us not allow to hold every month a FAD somewhere on earth we
have to do it online.

Most important changes

- - one meeting a month (I hope to start in December with a large
attendance :-) )
- - we divide the world into three areas
	- North and South America
	- APAC  and all other countries in this time zone
	- EMEA and all other countries in this time zone
- - the meetings will be during the evening (local time)
- - we are looking forward to have for every region a leader and a

The points to discuss are the topics which you are interest in.  There
will be separate email about the talking points.  Just as a little input.

It's up to YOU to make the Ambassadors Program as strong as it was in
the beginning and give again more weight to it inside the Fedora
Project.  I know in the beginning everything was better and the
ambassadors program was the heart of several other activities.  But now
it's the present, we are a large group (maybe the largest) and we should
show this.
I guess that nobody want to lose everything we have build up in the past
due to lack of communication between all participants.



[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings
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