[Ambassadors] FAmNA Meeting Minutes from 2008-12-10

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 04:57:50 UTC 2008

(08:00:26 PM) inode0: FAmNA meeting time
(08:00:30 PM) inode0: Roll Call
(08:01:46 PM) ***lcafiero is playing the role of Larry Cafiero
(08:01:56 PM) DemonJester: .fas bpowell01
(08:01:57 PM) zodbot: DemonJester: bpowell01 'Brian Powell'
<bpowell01 at gmail.com>
(08:02:42 PM) ***lcafiero give a sideward glance and mutters, "showoff" :-)
(08:03:03 PM) DemonJester: :P
(08:03:14 PM) ***inode0 notes that doing that is very helpful for
creating the attendee list
(08:03:25 PM) lcafiero: .fas lcafiero
(08:03:26 PM) zodbot: lcafiero: lcafiero 'Larry Cafiero'
<larry.cafiero at gmail.com>
(08:03:45 PM) ***inode0 also notes it opens you up to spam :)
(08:03:47 PM) lcafiero: there
(08:04:07 PM) DemonJester: yeah I noticed that..
(08:04:19 PM) lcafiero: Just us three?
(08:04:31 PM) inode0: ok, let's begin - we can assign a lot of tasks
tonight I think
(08:04:34 PM) DemonJester: 15 minute meeting!
spevack spot spstarr_work
(08:04:49 PM) lcafiero: +1
(08:05:18 PM) inode0: My only announcement is that I attended
spevack's class for ambassadors and thought it was really valuable -
points others to times it will be repeated.
(08:05:34 PM) DemonJester: was it logged?
(08:06:07 PM) inode0: I imagine so but since I was there I guess I
don't know - they post logs of all classes don't they?
(08:06:20 PM) DemonJester: I hope so..
(08:06:46 PM) inode0:
(08:06:56 PM) lcafiero: thanks, inode.
(08:07:09 PM) DemonJester: thanks!
(08:07:42 PM) inode0: 1st agenda item tonight is FADNA
(08:07:57 PM) lcafiero: Announcement: We had an F10 event at the
Felton LUG monthly installfest in Felton, Calif., on Saturday. I gave
out about 15 Live CDs and got to install it in front of everyone.
(08:08:07 PM) lcafiero: It went very well.
(08:08:11 PM) lcafiero: Sorry inode0
(08:08:15 PM) inode0: np
(08:08:31 PM) inode0: herlo had a party too as reported in his blog
(08:08:45 PM) DemonJester: mine is this coming saturday
(08:09:14 PM) inode0: mine is being delayed likely until students come
back in January
(08:09:49 PM) inode0: alright, I'd like to get some idea of what to do
with FADNA
(08:10:19 PM) inode0: I don't think a group of us will ever agree
completely in the abstract about where and when to do it
(08:10:28 PM) DemonJester: agrees
(08:10:29 PM) lcafiero: True.
(08:10:50 PM) inode0: so I think someone needs to latch onto it and
make it happen somewhere
(08:10:53 PM) lcafiero: But I think we can agree, or discuss, that we
should hold FADNA in conjunction with another event, rather than
having it as a stand alone, no?
(08:11:23 PM) inode0: we have discussed it several times, some people
think yes and others think no
(08:11:39 PM) lcafiero: Yeah, I know, but we should probably nail that down, no?
(08:11:46 PM) inode0: I'm happy to discuss it further, I think the
three of us say yes?!
(08:12:00 PM) ***lcafiero has been swayed to the
holding-it-in-conjunction caucus
(08:12:04 PM) DemonJester: I am a yes to hold it with other events
(08:12:06 PM) lcafiero: Yes.
(08:12:19 PM) lcafiero: Then it's unanimous! :-)
(08:12:24 PM) DemonJester: lol
(08:12:31 PM) DemonJester: next item....
(08:12:32 PM) lcafiero: SCaLE is Feb. 20-22
(08:12:51 PM) inode0: SELF is June 13
(08:13:13 PM) inode0: those seem to be the two candidate events
(08:13:14 PM) lcafiero: It'll be tight, but I think holding it with
SCaLE would be good.
(08:13:39 PM) lcafiero: Choices are L.A. or SELF is in Charleston?
(08:13:46 PM) lcafiero: Do you know, inode0?
(08:13:47 PM) inode0: can we get free facilities at SCaLE?
(08:13:58 PM) inode0: SELF is in Clemson
(08:14:13 PM) lcafiero: I'm looking into that. Trading e-mails with
organizers on a few different issues.
(08:14:17 PM) ***lcafiero may present a paper there.
(08:14:38 PM) lcafiero: But I can have more answers by next week.
(08:14:54 PM) inode0: what do you perceive the advantages of SCaLE to
be aside from it being over there?
(08:15:34 PM) DemonJester: A ton of attendees.. At least from what I
have heard about the event
(08:15:37 PM) lcafiero: It's near me . . . relatively speaking. :-)
But other than this it is a growing gathering, probably the biggest
Linux event next to LinuxWorld in California
(08:15:48 PM) ***inode0 is not disagreeing about being "over there" as
an advantage
(08:16:07 PM) lcafiero: One caveat is that they're holding it in the
same hotel as last year, and last year people were flowing out of the
conference rooms since it was so well attended
(08:16:16 PM) inode0: Isn't it similar in size to OLF?
(08:16:30 PM) lcafiero: I don't know how big OLF is, but I would gather it is.
(08:16:35 PM) inode0: about 1000
(08:16:52 PM) lcafiero: That sounds like SCaLE numbers.
(08:16:57 PM) lcafiero: Where was OLF held?
(08:17:04 PM) inode0: Columbus, OH
(08:17:11 PM) lcafiero: An auditorium? Hotel? Stadium?
(08:18:00 PM) lcafiero: Yeah, this is in a Westin, which is a -1 for location.
(08:18:14 PM) inode0: Advantages I see for SELF are:
(08:18:16 PM) lcafiero: It's usually packed, and they need to consider
holding it in a larger venue.
(08:18:29 PM) inode0: (1) Free facilities for our use
(08:18:47 PM) inode0: (2) Cheap housing made available to us by the university
(08:19:09 PM) inode0: (3) Supporting a brand new regional community conference
(08:19:11 PM) DemonJester: dorms??
(08:19:23 PM) inode0: more like student apartments I think
(08:19:29 PM) DemonJester: wow!
(08:19:42 PM) inode0: cost is something like $25/night
(08:19:50 PM) inode0: can be a little more or less
(08:20:10 PM) lcafiero: That definitely would outdo anything I can get
in L.A., price wise.
(08:20:17 PM) lcafiero: Without taking hostages, that is.
(08:20:22 PM) inode0: Disadvantages:
(08:20:38 PM) inode0: (1) Clemson is a pretty clumsy location to get
to for those flying
(08:21:00 PM) inode0: (2) June 13 is likely within 3 weeks of FUDcon
(08:22:18 PM) inode0: It would be nice to have some idea of whether we
can get some funding this year for this event (wasn't clear to me
where it falls exactly)
(08:22:50 PM) DemonJester: we need that clarified first in my opinion
(08:22:58 PM) lcafiero: Wouldn't funding for SELF be in the next quarter?
(08:23:01 PM) inode0: if we could even help 2 people get across the
country either way that would be nice to know
(08:23:11 PM) lcafiero: as opposed to funding for SCaLE which would be
this quarter?
(08:23:28 PM) inode0: good point
(08:23:35 PM) lcafiero: I would be glad to keep looking into SCaLE if
someone wants to take the ball on SELF
(08:23:47 PM) lcafiero: ke4qqq, white courtesy phone
(08:23:56 PM) inode0: spevack in the town hall mentioned working on
something that might affect this as well
(08:24:25 PM) lcafiero: That's right. I have to talk to him about
something else, so should I also bring this up?>
(08:25:16 PM) inode0: yes please - nail down if you can what he is
trying to arrange for FADNA and any suggestions he might have for how
we should proceed with planning one for the 1st half of 2009
ke4qqq kennyp
(08:25:41 PM) lcafiero: Aye sir.
(08:25:49 PM) inode0: I've done work with SELF as has ke4qqq and we
have the door open
(08:26:16 PM) lcafiero: Other than the location, it looks like SELF
has advantages
(08:26:21 PM) lcafiero: over SCaLE
(08:26:24 PM) inode0: we can do something other than FADNA there
though, it doesn't have to be FADNA
(08:26:57 PM) inode0: but if we decide to go with SCaLE we really need
to make that decision soon
(08:27:30 PM) lcafiero: True.
(08:27:41 PM) inode0: I'll schedule this for next week again on the
agenda, let's see what Max is doing and how that affects our
(08:27:47 PM) lcafiero: +1
(08:27:58 PM) DemonJester: +1
(08:28:14 PM) inode0: next agenda item ...
(08:28:27 PM) inode0: Media Update (hopefully)
(08:28:51 PM) inode0: not sensing herlo's presence I think we lose
(08:29:10 PM) DemonJester: moving on?
(08:29:13 PM) inode0: he did mention elsewhere that artwork was approved
(08:29:18 PM) inode0: that is all I think I know
(08:29:41 PM) lcafiero: I remember that he did, but that's all I know.
(08:29:41 PM) inode0: the only task list item was also herlo
(08:29:59 PM) inode0: so we'll let that slide
(08:30:29 PM) inode0: that was about distribution of media and a
possible fedex/ups account for our use
(08:30:48 PM) inode0: Open floor?
(08:31:01 PM) inode0: Anything else you'd like to talk about?
(08:31:07 PM) DemonJester: !
(08:31:09 PM) lcafiero: On the issue of media, I've been rolling my own.
(08:31:17 PM) ***lcafiero yields to DemonJester
(08:31:46 PM) DemonJester: The presentations I held on Monday went
very well, I have quite a few peeps interested in joining Fedora.
(08:32:14 PM) inode0: Where did you speak and about what?
(08:32:24 PM) DemonJester: 5 have emailed me since yesterday
requesting more info.
(08:32:56 PM) inode0: them taking the initiative to follow-up is very
(08:33:00 PM) DemonJester: at ITT Technical Institute in PA, Spoke
about how they can use Open Source and Fedora to build work portfolios
and experience while going to school
(08:33:26 PM) DemonJester: by contributing in some fashion or another
(08:34:13 PM) DemonJester: thats all I have, I just need to follow up
with each of them now :)
(08:34:37 PM) lcafiero: Great DemonJester
(08:35:07 PM) inode0: alright, shall we set the world record?
(08:35:18 PM) DemonJester: countdown on!
(08:35:20 PM) inode0: 5
(08:35:23 PM) inode0: 4
(08:35:24 PM) herlo: sorry, I forgot
(08:35:29 PM) DemonJester: lol
(08:35:30 PM) herlo: Im here
(08:35:32 PM) lcafiero: wait, I  . . .
(08:35:34 PM) lcafiero: never mind
(08:35:47 PM) inode0: ok, we return to herlo's media update now :)
(08:35:47 PM) ***lcafiero lost a step against herlo
(08:36:01 PM) herlo: give 2 mins and i will b home
(08:36:20 PM) lcafiero: So much for the record
(08:36:32 PM) DemonJester: either of you running ati vid cards with f10?
(08:36:46 PM) ***lcafiero wonders if herlo is texting and driving . . . ?
(08:36:57 PM) lcafiero: Not me, DemonJester
(08:37:15 PM) DemonJester: inode0: ^^^^
(08:37:18 PM) herlo: nope
(08:37:35 PM) herlo: irc & driving
(08:37:44 PM) lcafiero: That's a dangerous combo
(08:37:45 PM) herlo: at lights
(08:37:50 PM) herlo: only
(08:37:59 PM) lcafiero: SuuuuUUUuuuuuure
(08:38:08 PM) DemonJester: lol
(08:38:17 PM) inode0: well, drive faster before ke4qqq shows up too
(08:38:57 PM) DemonJester: I am out at 10, still need to get some
stuff done for work tomorrow.
(08:39:24 PM) inode0: you can always check the log later, I'm really
going to try to not be a week late posting them
(08:41:01 PM) inode0: reminder to everyone to vote if you want to :)
(08:41:12 PM) inode0: and if you haven't already :)
(08:41:15 PM) lcafiero: Vote for me
(08:41:41 PM) lcafiero: Actually, as ke4qqq mentioned, all the
candidates are good for FAmSCo
(08:41:51 PM) ianweller: are we doin a meeting?
(08:42:03 PM) herlo: sorry
(08:42:05 PM) herlo: I'm here
(08:42:05 PM) herlo: now
(08:42:11 PM) lcafiero: We are now.
(08:42:11 PM) inode0: go herlo!
(08:42:13 PM) lcafiero: :-)
(08:42:16 PM) herlo: okay, so here's the update on the media
(08:42:33 PM) herlo: we got proofs back yesterday, they look great,
I'll upload them right now for everyone to see
(08:42:51 PM) herlo: Max approved them same day
(08:43:01 PM) herlo: media should be delivered within 10 days at most
(08:43:26 PM) inode0: F10 for the holidays
(08:43:39 PM) herlo: yahoo!
(08:43:53 PM) lcafiero: Will look good under the tree . . .
(08:43:57 PM) herlo: I also asked Max about the budget for media,
haven't heard back a reply
(08:44:08 PM) inode0: update on fedex/ups account matter?
(08:44:11 PM) herlo: and about a FedEx/UPS account, no reply either
(08:44:13 PM) herlo: :)
(08:44:31 PM) inode0: alrighty, thanks herlo
(08:44:47 PM) lcafiero: I've been making my own, and Cabrillo College
has been doing the same, but we'd welcome CDs
(08:44:51 PM) lcafiero: and DVDs
(08:44:53 PM) inode0: did you have anything else to discuss?
(08:45:31 PM) herlo: yes, I was going to show you all the media
covers, but they should look pretty familiar
(08:45:56 PM) ***herlo waits for his fp.o page to load
(08:46:04 PM) herlo: http://herlo.fedorapeople.org/files/f10-jacket.PDF
(08:46:11 PM) herlo: http://herlo.fedorapeople.org/files/f10-media.pdf
(08:46:49 PM) ***herlo is madly getting his stuff done, it's been a crazy night
(08:46:51 PM) herlo: sorry guys
(08:47:07 PM) DemonJester: they look good!
(08:47:11 PM) herlo: okay, inode0 I'm done now
(08:47:16 PM) herlo: unless anyone has questions
(08:47:25 PM) inode0: those look fabulous
(08:47:27 PM) herlo: lcafiero: I really wasn't driving and texting
(08:47:34 PM) herlo: :) I'm happy about them too.
(08:47:36 PM) lcafiero: herlo: I gathered
(08:47:54 PM) herlo: DemonJester: sorry about the lateness, but Dec 13
seems to be out of the question
(08:47:58 PM) lcafiero: media covers are great, herlo -- +10
(08:47:59 PM) inode0: ok, I'll move back the report on the new task to next week
(08:48:16 PM) herlo: inode0: hopefully, I'll have good news :)
(08:48:16 PM) DemonJester: herlo: nw, I will make due :)
(08:48:25 PM) herlo: I know, but I was hoping
(08:48:30 PM) herlo: still, the quality seems great so far
(08:48:44 PM) herlo: and the folks over at the media place are great
(08:49:29 PM) inode0: ok, let's head back to our home IRC channel for
anything else
(08:49:35 PM) inode0: thanks for coming everyone
(08:49:36 PM) herlo: k, I'm out then, have a good night
(08:49:38 PM) inode0: 5
(08:49:39 PM) inode0: 4
(08:49:40 PM) inode0: 3
(08:49:41 PM) inode0: 2
(08:49:42 PM) inode0: 1
(08:49:44 PM) inode0: EOF

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