[Ambassadors] FAmSCo Nominations Period Announcement

Francesco Ugolini fugolini at fedoraproject.org
Wed Nov 5 17:36:57 UTC 2008


After Max, FAmSCo treasurer, announcement it's my pleasure to declare
the FAmSCo Elections Nomination Period open.

I think Max in his mail expressed better than anyone the spirit of
this important step towards the FAmSCo election. I saw in the past
year a lot of people working so hard to help the community and to
spend their time organizing events around the world and contributing
in the ambassadors community organization.

Now it's time for everyone to think about the possibility to run for
FAmSCo: I know it's not a simple job, but with the passion and with
the right motivation everyone could be able to accomplish this duty.

We are more than 550 ambassadors (and we are still counting), we come
from all over the world and we represent the 5 Continents, with their
differences, their values but, all together, with the same goal:
spread Fedora and the Open Source everywhere.

I hope to see all those Continents represented in the next FAmSCo but,
firstly, I want to see all the people, who worked so hard during this
year, writing their name in the nomination page
and challenging for this important role.

Best regards

Francesco Ugolini
on behalf of FAmSCo

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