[Ambassadors] NA Ambassadors Meeting 2008-09-03 IRC Log

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 05:35:39 UTC 2008

(08:01:01 PM) ke4qqq: time to start, roll call
(08:01:12 PM) pcalarco: PascalCalarco
(08:01:30 PM) iWolf: JeffreyTadlock
(08:01:49 PM) ***DemonJester here
(08:02:05 PM) quaid: [[User:Kwade|Karsten Wade]] ;-P
(08:02:25 PM) DemonJester: BrianPowell, sorry....
(08:02:37 PM) ke4qqq: don't know if that works within pre tags, does it?
(08:03:30 PM) ke4qqq: alright - I suppose others will filter in as we
progress - iWolf anything to report from FAmSCo?
(08:04:02 PM) iWolf: We did meet last week.  Pretty much covered the
budget which is posted to the ambassadors list.
(08:04:16 PM) iWolf: talked a little bit about the various regions and
what they are up to.
(08:04:25 PM) iWolf: nothing earth shattering.
(08:05:03 PM) ke4qqq: ok any feedback on our "plan" for media?
(08:05:35 PM) iWolf: it should be a go - seems like we are seeing how
this release goes with the regions handling it.  if its a success,
we'll stick with it.
(08:06:08 PM) ke4qqq: ok - well talk more about media shortly....
(08:06:25 PM) ke4qqq: suppose it's now time for the task list -
(08:07:03 PM) ke4qqq: unless someone has an objection I think I'll put
the "Contacting" one to bed.
(08:07:20 PM) ke4qqq: herlo: available to talk about Ambkit and evbox?
(08:07:28 PM) herlo: ke4qqq: sure
(08:09:47 PM) ***ke4qqq waits
(08:10:19 PM) ***DemonJester hears crickets and bullfrogs ;-)
(08:10:37 PM) inode0: chirp
(08:10:45 PM) DemonJester: lol
(08:11:32 PM) herlo: ke4qqq: what would you like to discuss?
(08:11:40 PM) ke4qqq: ambassador kit and eventbox
(08:11:44 PM) ke4qqq: and if there are any updates
(08:11:48 PM) ***herlo was unsure that we were already starting :)
(08:11:53 PM) herlo: sorry
(08:12:09 PM) herlo: so here's the plan with eventbox
(08:12:32 PM) herlo: I'm working right now to find a good shipping
box.  Once I find something that can hold the following:
(08:13:16 PM) herlo: Banners - 5 or 6 (2 fedora banners, 4 f's)
(08:13:31 PM) herlo: the 5 is for the current ifv themee
(08:13:40 PM) herlo: about 50-75 tshirts of all sizes
(08:13:53 PM) herlo: 200-300 bits of Media
(08:14:09 PM) herlo: maybe some hard signs for usb creation station
(08:14:19 PM) herlo: stickers and usb sticks
(08:14:44 PM) inode0: !
(08:14:48 PM) herlo: I've heard discussion of lcd screens though I
don't feel that's necessary
(08:14:55 PM) herlo: and 1 OLPC
(08:14:59 PM) herlo: inode0: shoot
(08:15:29 PM) inode0: we have requests pending with two Fedora
sponsors for small laptops for usb creation stations
(08:15:45 PM) inode0: I submitted a project proposal to OLPC this week
(08:15:53 PM) ke4qqq: inode0: I have an update on dell when you are done
(08:15:55 PM) inode0: for 1 XO per box
(08:16:08 PM) herlo: inode0: like eeepc??
(08:16:13 PM) herlo: for the usbcreation?
(08:16:16 PM) inode0: that moved from pending to approved but I
honestly don't know what that means yet
(08:16:38 PM) ke4qqq: outstanding!!!
(08:16:56 PM) inode0: my inquiry was about HP mini-notes
(08:17:03 PM) inode0: ke4qqq: fill us in
(08:17:06 PM) herlo: inode0: okay, those'll work
(08:17:31 PM) herlo: well, I still need to talk about ambkits, but its
pretty simple
(08:17:43 PM) herlo: however, I think the eventbox discussion hasn't concluded
(08:17:46 PM) inode0: just a second please
(08:17:48 PM) ke4qqq: I asked Matt Domsch @ dell for 4 of their new
mini-inspirons as well - the current status is that no one has funding
ie a no, but he said he is still scrounging around
(08:17:56 PM) ke4qqq: go ahead herlo
(08:18:07 PM) inode0: one more question about event boxes
(08:18:12 PM) herlo: shoot
(08:18:28 PM) inode0: if these are floating boxes how do we plan to
replenish them?
(08:18:49 PM) herlo: easy
(08:18:57 PM) herlo: each time we ship them, we fill them
(08:19:21 PM) inode0: I thought we ship them once and the recipient
ships them to their next destination?
(08:19:27 PM) herlo: so, I just bought 55 tshirts plus some pins and what not
(08:19:37 PM) herlo: inode0: right
(08:19:38 PM) herlo: but
(08:19:46 PM) herlo: we gave away all our shirts
(08:19:50 PM) herlo: save 15-20
(08:20:05 PM) herlo: I still have a few dollars left and about a month
of time before the OLF comes
(08:20:22 PM) herlo: I can have another 55 printed and shipped here or
there, whichever is cheaper
(08:20:32 PM) herlo: well, not another 55, but still some
(08:21:00 PM) herlo: does this make sense?
(08:21:04 PM) inode0: not really
(08:21:31 PM) inode0: are the OLF people expected to refill the box
out of their budget?
(08:21:43 PM) herlo: inode0: to a point
(08:21:49 PM) quaid: "whatever is leftover from the event + these
standard items are shipped to the next event; the next event orders
more $stuff to replenish based on incoming inventory."
(08:22:10 PM) herlo: quaid: agreed, but I have a few extra dollars
(08:22:26 PM) herlo: the other part is that if you have money left
over, you should use it to replenish the box...
(08:22:27 PM) iWolf: i think things will get confusing pretty quickly.
(08:22:42 PM) herlo: so everyone hang on...
(08:22:45 PM) iWolf: i would be more apt if i were herlo to contribute
the extra money to the media fund to get us to the min. order.
(08:22:57 PM) ke4qqq: +1
(08:23:00 PM) herlo: iWolf: not a bad idea
(08:23:21 PM) herlo: here's the thing.  Its like $100 over the
shipping costs I'm about to incur.
(08:23:29 PM) herlo: so I ship an empty box?
(08:23:36 PM) herlo: I mean its not completely empty
(08:23:49 PM) herlo: probably weighs about 5-7lbs right now
(08:24:00 PM) herlo: iWolf loads it up with t's and such
(08:24:06 PM) herlo: and gives them out
(08:24:16 PM) herlo: then he sends it on again?
(08:24:22 PM) herlo: is that what I'm hearing?
(08:25:03 PM) iWolf: when i've thought event box, i've never included
swag in the event box.
(08:25:08 PM) herlo: I was just adding that, simply put, if you have a
few extra dollars, add something.  T's, stickers, whatever.
(08:25:15 PM) iWolf: i've thought of it more as a "booth in a box".
(08:25:33 PM) iWolf: as that booth bit is a lot of work that gets
repeated that doesn't really need to get repeated.
(08:25:34 PM) herlo: well, then we need to completely rethink whats
currently inside
(08:25:41 PM) inode0: I was thinking fixed stuff for the booth that
never leaves our control, just goes from booth to booth
(08:25:53 PM) inode0: but swag is a plus if it can be managed I think
(08:25:54 PM) herlo: because the only thing currently in there is a
banner or two and the ifv signs
(08:26:05 PM) iWolf: if we ship large amounts of t's in the box we end
up potentially paying shipping costs twice for the same t-shirts.
(08:26:20 PM) herlo: iWolf: +1
(08:26:26 PM) herlo: but stickers/pins are light
(08:27:03 PM) iWolf: yeah, and they would fit in easily.
(08:27:18 PM) herlo: yep
(08:27:22 PM) herlo: k, so revision then
(08:27:25 PM) iWolf: and if I had a t-shirt or two left from an event
and they fit, then sending them on would be fine.
(08:27:34 PM) herlo: sure, that's what I'll be doing
(08:27:38 PM) iWolf: just not sure I would make it a requirement to
restock the box.
(08:27:48 PM) herlo: not a requirement, just a suggestion
(08:27:59 PM) herlo: but it sounds like refills are better with stickers or pins
(08:28:46 PM) iWolf: yeah, light weight and easy to fit into the space
available as the event box nears completion.
(08:28:47 PM) herlo: so here's my new version of EventBox
(08:28:55 PM) herlo: lets call it EventBox .02
(08:28:58 PM) herlo: :)
(08:29:16 PM) herlo: Small Durable, Plastic Box
(08:29:33 PM) herlo: probably 12x24x8
(08:29:38 PM) herlo: included inside
(08:29:40 PM) herlo: Banners
(08:29:46 PM) herlo: Network Cable
(08:29:47 PM) ianweller_afk is now known as ianweller
(08:29:49 PM) herlo: XO
(08:30:01 PM) herlo: Mini USB Creation Station (possibly)
(08:30:22 PM) herlo: Laminated Creation Station Sign
(08:30:34 PM) herlo: Leftover SWAG
(08:30:42 PM) herlo: EOB
(08:30:44 PM) herlo: thoughts ??
(08:31:20 PM) ke4qqq: add a wap/router running free/oss firmware
(08:31:24 PM) quaid: + wifi
(08:31:35 PM) inode0: are there some other common needs? tape, table
cloth, etc.?
(08:31:56 PM) ke4qqq: ohhhh yeah - table cloth....gaffers tape....
(08:31:57 PM) iWolf: there used to be a fedora tablecloth, we had it
at OLF last year - is it still around - it was quite nice.
(08:32:04 PM) iWolf: and expensive.
(08:32:10 PM) quaid: iWolf: "gone" I think
(08:32:28 PM) herlo: me thinks so as well
(08:32:37 PM) ***ke4qqq thinks so as well
(08:32:40 PM) iWolf: quaid: that's unfortunate, i think Max bought
that just before OLF as it was shpped straight to my house for OLF
last year.
(08:32:43 PM) herlo: I don't think you will need gaffers tape or tablecloths
(08:32:49 PM) quaid: perhaps with the banner from FUDCon Boston 2008
(08:33:07 PM) quaid: +tape
(08:33:10 PM) quaid: + pens, scissors
(08:33:30 PM) quaid:
(08:33:38 PM) quaid: +anything on that  list not already mentioned
(08:34:59 PM) herlo: pens, scissors, etc yes
(08:35:09 PM) herlo: quaid: yes, I've been looking at that
(08:35:15 PM) herlo: except I think its a bit over the top
(08:35:30 PM) quaid: ha ha!
(08:35:30 PM) inode0: actually could we perhaps make that list a
signup sheet for contributors?
(08:35:34 PM) quaid: well,I disagree :D
(08:35:46 PM) quaid: that is, one could rely upon Ambassadors to
supply tape, scissors, etc.
(08:35:47 PM) inode0: I could kick in some of that easily
(08:36:09 PM) quaid: inode0: right, add it when the box comes in
(08:36:23 PM) quaid: herlo: but then it's not "event in a box"
(08:36:26 PM) quaid: it
(08:36:29 PM) herlo: lol
(08:36:38 PM) quaid: it's "event in a box, just add water, scissors,tape..."
(08:36:44 PM) herlo: last I checked, its not an 'Event in a box'
(08:37:10 PM) herlo: its EventBox, used for major events or
conferences that should already provide much of these things on the
(08:37:33 PM) herlo: we should plan for emergencies, yes.
(08:37:45 PM) herlo: but we shouldn't bring things we can get at a
local convenience store
(08:37:53 PM) herlo: for $5-10
(08:38:21 PM) quaid: I've yet to be at an event that already provided
anything more than a table and two chairs
(08:38:32 PM) herlo: really?
(08:38:35 PM) quaid: yep
(08:38:36 PM) EvilBob: 5-10 becomes 25-50 really fast at a C store
(08:38:36 PM) herlo: no power?
(08:38:40 PM) quaid: ok, power
(08:38:43 PM) quaid: sometimes ethernet
(08:38:48 PM) quaid: carpet
(08:38:55 PM) herlo: sure, I don't argue the need for wires
(08:38:59 PM) herlo: as in cat5
(08:39:08 PM) herlo: but power should be there, and a basic booth
(08:39:15 PM) iWolf: power strips should be included in the box though.
(08:39:24 PM) quaid: herlo: so everyone should have a set of what?  it
seems cheaper to have a set in the middle, are you thinking  of
shipping weight?
(08:39:33 PM) herlo: k, hold on again
(08:39:35 PM) inode0: event at FUDcon Boston there was a mad scramble
for an extension cord and power strip
(08:39:38 PM) herlo: I'm talking scissors, tape, etc
(08:39:45 PM) herlo: not power cords, ethernet cords
(08:40:05 PM) herlo: sure we can have one set of scissors in there,
but if they get lost, oh well...
(08:40:06 PM) ***quaid has tried to open those stupid USB plastic
wrappingdododders without scissors before, oy vey!
(08:40:09 PM) iWolf: i'd include tape and scissors as well, the goal
being make it as easy for an ambassador as posible.
(08:40:44 PM) herlo: I guess what I'm not getting is why we need heavy
duty extension cordes
(08:40:54 PM) herlo: an lcd monitor seems excessive to me
(08:41:12 PM) herlo: maybe a router, but most conferences have wireless
(08:41:22 PM) iWolf: OLF doesn't.
(08:41:25 PM) quaid: my experience is most often crappy wireless
(08:41:27 PM) iWolf: no ethernet connection either.
(08:41:35 PM) inode0: I'd say forget the monitor and shuttle, hope we
get mini-notes or something similar
(08:41:46 PM) herlo: wow!
(08:41:47 PM) quaid: and there is a need for a local hub, why not $15
more for wireless?
(08:41:53 PM) iWolf: and OLF says - there's an outlet, no power strip,
no extention cord, noghtin.
(08:42:00 PM) quaid: sure, notebooks have LCD so it's all one
(08:42:12 PM) herlo: you mean to tell me there won't be internet at a
large event of 1000+ people?
(08:42:20 PM) iWolf: inode0: agreed, if we get the mini-notes that
would be fine.
(08:42:20 PM) quaid: OSCON, LWCE very similar
(08:42:23 PM) herlo: that's amazing to me
(08:42:26 PM) quaid: herlo: yes, and 1000+ people using it
(08:42:29 PM) iWolf: herlo: nope.
(08:42:30 PM) inode0: keyboard/mouse can go then too
(08:42:43 PM) quaid: herlo: so at LWCE we got one drop for _all_ of
the .org pavilion
(08:42:47 PM) herlo: quaid: sure, we just had an event of 400+ no
outages, slower than normal, but worked well
(08:42:51 PM) inode0: I do think an extension cord and power strip are
good to have
(08:42:55 PM) quaid: fortunately Etherboot was there with tons of equipment
(08:42:55 PM) herlo: quaid: well, okay
(08:42:59 PM) iWolf: herlo: its held at a convention center, which
means union folks have to "hook it up" which translates to around
$1000+ to turn it on.
(08:43:00 PM) quaid: so we could actually *run* stuff at the booth
(08:43:01 PM) herlo: I guess I'll have to rethink that sort of thing
(08:43:13 PM) quaid: iWolf: +1 yep, per drop
(08:43:16 PM) ***herlo now hates unions :)
(08:43:24 PM) herlo: okay, not really...
(08:43:27 PM) quaid: eh, out of context :)
(08:44:00 PM) herlo: okay, I'm convinced
(08:44:02 PM) herlo: moving on
(08:44:36 PM) herlo: I'll try to buy something that will fit most of
this stuff then and get it shipped out late sept...
(08:46:03 PM) ke4qqq: ok any movement on kit?
(08:46:38 PM) herlo: ke4qqq: I've been running a conference for about
3 weeks (yes, it was only 3 days, but still busy) so nope sorry
(08:46:41 PM) herlo: :(
(08:46:49 PM) ***herlo wishes he was more capable...
(08:46:50 PM) ke4qqq: no need to apologize
(08:47:08 PM) ke4qqq: lets talk about media
(08:47:10 PM) herlo: though I got a final price on media
(08:47:16 PM) herlo: $.0576
(08:47:17 PM) ke4qqq: how awesome
(08:47:18 PM) herlo: er
(08:47:20 PM) herlo: .576
(08:47:28 PM) herlo: each, including printing
(08:47:32 PM) herlo: sleeves and all
(08:47:33 PM) ke4qqq: shipping?
(08:47:43 PM) herlo: they're local to utah iirc
(08:48:00 PM) inode0: lot size?
(08:48:02 PM) ***herlo is looking for the email now
(08:48:06 PM) herlo: 3k
(08:48:07 PM) ke4qqq: will they do a single run of 3k?
(08:48:10 PM) herlo: yes
(08:49:25 PM) inode0: nice in the long run - consumes more than 1/3 of
this quarter's budget
(08:49:32 PM) herlo: yep, local
(08:49:34 PM) ke4qqq: ok - so essentially our plan is to try and get
money from all of the event runners in Q3 to piece together a single
3k order for x86 livecds
(08:49:45 PM) herlo: right
(08:49:47 PM) EvilBob: I used to use a place called niche stuff in
California, not sure if they are still around, they were cheap back in
the day
(08:50:08 PM) EvilBob: And quality was great
(08:50:40 PM) herlo: the guy I'm working with used to be a CD media
broker and would go around to all the creation houses and get the best
(08:50:45 PM) ke4qqq: so I am ready to fork over about 90% of my
event's money for media - since I already have F9 media.
(08:50:45 PM) herlo: he's worked with these guys before
(08:51:21 PM) herlo: ke4qqq: right, do you need more?  I can send some
along in the event box.  I think I still have about 200.  I
realistically only need 100 at most
(08:51:22 PM) inode0: .576 seems a very good price
(08:51:44 PM) herlo: 3000*.576
(08:51:45 PM) herlo: 1728.000
(08:51:52 PM) ***herlo loves bc
(08:52:10 PM) ke4qqq: herlo: I am ok, but OLF will probably welcome them
(08:52:24 PM) herlo: that's the total cost.  I don't have much money
left in my budget, but there's a few dollars for next quarter
(08:52:37 PM) ke4qqq: Q3 started yesterday
(08:52:44 PM) herlo: oh, right
(08:52:48 PM) herlo: this quarter
(08:54:16 PM) herlo: k, anything else?
(08:54:37 PM) ke4qqq: nope
(08:54:41 PM) ke4qqq: iWolf: FAD
(08:56:20 PM) iWolf: I would out of town the last few days and have
nothing to report.
(08:56:39 PM) ***kulll wiggles
(08:56:48 PM) ke4qqq: ok - we have several people who volunteered to
write blog posts
(08:56:53 PM) ke4qqq: 2 have stepped forward
(08:57:03 PM) ianweller: blog posts about what?
(08:57:04 PM) ke4qqq: I also have 2 who still remain for me to get on the planet
(08:57:06 PM) ke4qqq: FAD
(08:57:17 PM) ianweller: oic
(08:57:36 PM) inode0: ! for ian
(08:58:12 PM) inode0: would you be willing to share ideas on how
Fedora might reach more high school students?
(08:58:27 PM) inode0: are there particular things we might offer to do
at/with high schools?
(08:58:56 PM) ianweller: inode0: you're definitely going to want to
try and find the high schools with the tech departments that aren't
full of nitwits in bed with microsoft.
(08:58:58 PM) ***herlo will blog about it soon
(08:58:59 PM) ***inode0 doesn't mean to hijack conversation - can be
tabled for later
(08:58:59 PM) ***ianweller never said that ;)
(08:59:12 PM) ianweller: inode0: in other words, not my school district
(08:59:20 PM) ke4qqq: musts/coulds/shoulds
(08:59:27 PM) ke4qqq:
(08:59:38 PM) ianweller: inode0: but that would definitely be interesting
(08:59:41 PM) ke4qqq: would like to move this out of draft now -
people have beat on it for a few weeks
(08:59:44 PM) ke4qqq: thoughts?
(08:59:52 PM) inode0: sorry, the one thing on my list I blew off this week
(08:59:59 PM) herlo: ke4qqq: I think its at a good point
(09:00:11 PM) herlo: and we should start marketing it around to other
ambassadors for opinions
(09:00:25 PM) herlo: especially those doing things *not* particularly visible
(09:01:02 PM) ke4qqq: ok - I'll send a post to the mailing list and
strip that from todos.
(09:01:12 PM) ke4qqq: pcalarco: polos?
(09:01:18 PM) inode0: I have no further objection to it - but I did
plan to make some changes ...
(09:01:43 PM) pcalarco: yes, we have another order for 9 more order
going to the vendor thurs.
(09:01:52 PM) ke4qqq: well it's not written in stone.
(09:02:08 PM) ke4qqq: anyone want to step up and blog about this?? DemonJester??
(09:02:28 PM) DemonJester: the should/could/woulds?
(09:02:41 PM) ke4qqq: no polos
(09:03:00 PM) DemonJester: oh.. sure I will get something out for that..
(09:03:05 PM) ke4qqq: outstanding
(09:03:20 PM) pcalarco: actually 11, i just looked at the wiki
(09:03:43 PM) inode0: is vwbusguy on the list?
(09:04:09 PM) pcalarco: no
(09:04:09 PM) ke4qqq: yes think so
(09:04:22 PM) ***ke4qqq is thinking of the wrong list
(09:05:25 PM) inode0: link handy?
(09:05:37 PM) pcalarco: so that will be a total of 16 different NA
Ambassadors with polos when this is complete
(09:06:03 PM) inode0: pcalarco: do you have the link to the list handy?
(09:06:07 PM) ***herlo has a polo :)
(09:06:15 PM) pcalarco:
(09:06:16 PM) herlo: from the last round
(09:06:22 PM) ke4qqq: lets blog this so that it gets as much
visibility as possible.
(09:06:37 PM) herlo: so two things to blog
(09:06:47 PM) EvilBob: Can one get a polo that does not say "ambassagor" on it?
(09:06:47 PM) pcalarco: I can add the first round of folk to the page
(09:07:13 PM) herlo: FAD and Polos, it seems those are a good post together
(09:07:25 PM) inode0: the order goes out thursday - we need to touch
base with your fellow hoosier
(09:07:39 PM) ke4qqq: hmmm +1 - perhaps we ought to make the price of
admission to FAD a blog post about it ahead of time :)
(09:08:43 PM) pcalarco: inode0: which one?
(09:09:10 PM) inode0: Scott - he has wanted one for a long time, I'll
hunt him down ASAP
(09:09:17 PM) herlo: wait, there's an admission cost for FAD?
(09:09:25 PM) ke4qqq: it was in jest
(09:09:32 PM) herlo: I thought it was just OLF that had a cost.
(09:09:33 PM) herlo: oh...
(09:09:36 PM) herlo: :)
(09:09:52 PM) ke4qqq: sorry - forgot emoticons and that my sarcasm
doesn't bleed through.
(09:11:06 PM) ***quaid bails to dinner ...
(09:11:21 PM) ke4qqq: thanks quaid
(09:11:26 PM) ke4qqq: alright anything else to discuss?
(09:12:39 PM) ke4qqq: ok hearing nothing we'll adjourn in 30
(09:12:49 PM) ke4qqq: 20
(09:12:57 PM) ke4qqq: 10
(09:13:04 PM) ke4qqq: 5
(09:13:10 PM) ke4qqq: we're adjourned

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