[Ambassadors] FAMNA Meeting Minutes from 2008-09-09

Clint Savage herlo1 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 13:03:58 UTC 2008

19:01 -!- herlo changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Fedora
Ambassadors North America Meeting --
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings/2008-09-09 --
19:01 < herlo> anyone here?
19:02  * lcafiero plays the role of Larry Cafiero
19:02  * DemonJester -> BrianPowell present
19:02 < lcafiero> Wasn't sure I was in the right place.
19:02  * ianweller lurkificates
19:04  * herlo will wait a moment or two
19:04  * DemonJester goes to grab a beer then :-)
19:05 < herlo> k
19:05 < lcafiero> Grab me one DemonJester
19:05  * herlo wants a Sierra Nevada
19:06 < herlo> ianweller: that kinda sounds gross
19:07  * DemonJester passes lcafiero a virtual cold one
19:07 < herlo> unless its like pontificates, which then I can live with it
19:07 < ianweller> it's like pontificates
19:07 < ianweller> ;)
19:07 < herlo> okay, whew!
19:07 < lcafiero> Heh.
19:08 < herlo> anyone know where ke4qqq is? I thought he'd be here
19:08  * herlo moves we start the meeting anyway
19:09 < herlo> First on the Agenda, as usual, tasks
19:09 < herlo> AmbassadorKit and EventBox
19:09 < herlo> AmbassadorKit is well defined I think, but EventBox had
a lively discussion in #fedora-ambassadors a couple days ago
19:09 < herlo> any thoughts here?
19:10 < lcafiero> !
19:10 < lcafiero> I missed that discussion. What was it about?
19:11 < herlo> well, the discussion wsa something to the effect of
what would go into an EventBox
19:11 < lcafiero> Thanks.
19:11  * ke4qqq is late
19:11 < DemonJester> have we determined if we are going with the
scaled down version as opposed to what was initially suggested?
19:11 < herlo> ke4qqq: welcome :)
19:11 < herlo> lcafiero: I wasn't done
19:12 < herlo> just wanted to start with something simple
19:12 < herlo> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EventBox
19:12 < herlo> this might be useful to start
19:12 < herlo> but I think the box is a bit more than we really need
19:12 < ke4qqq> the box itself?
19:13 < herlo> things like an LCD monitor and mouse and keyboard are
almost a waste of space
19:13 < herlo> ke4qqq: no, things inside...
19:13  * herlo decides to be more verbose
19:13 < herlo> the LCD monitor, what is this used for?
19:14 < DemonJester> I suppose the mini pc if included?
19:14 < herlo> well, when I think of mini pc, I think of laptop since
that's a bit easier
19:14 < crossbytes> we are talking about the event box?
19:14 < herlo> one thought is to make the mini pc be something that we
can show off and build LiveUSBs with
19:15 < herlo> the EeePC is great for this
19:15 < DemonJester> +1
19:15 < herlo> crossbytes: yes
19:15 < herlo> I like the Pelican 1610, its a bit cheaper than the
1660 and a bit smaller.  Should fit banners and all pretty well
19:16 < crossbytes> I agree about the Eee PC
19:16 < herlo> its cheap too, getting a 7" model could even be less
nowadays since the 9" and 10" models are out
19:17  * herlo looks on ebay
19:17 < ke4qqq> whatever is free is great as small. - we have 4
xos....and are working on 4 small minis
19:17 < lcafiero> ?
19:17 < ke4qqq> hp and dell are working to get us free mini-pcs like
minimate and dell 910
19:18 < herlo> ke4qqq: good call
19:18 < ke4qqq> inode is working with HP
19:18 < herlo> $225 is the highest bid btw
19:18 < ke4qqq> I contacted Matt Domsch
19:18 < herlo> right
19:18 < ke4qqq> and he is working to get us 4 of the tiny ones
19:19 < ke4qqq> but no idea on what the timeline or if it will fall
through or not
19:19 < herlo> sure
19:19 < herlo> I was thinking I might just donate mine to the event
box as I build it
19:20 < herlo> I want to get a 1000 anyway
19:21 < herlo> so lets see, we want to slim down the box itself.  I'd
like to see the price of shipping never clear $100
19:21 < herlo> if we ship in a reasonable amount of time (2-3wks) it
should never be more than $50
19:21 < herlo> so weight can be an issue anyway
19:21 < ke4qqq> slim down to what?? sorry for missing some of the meeting
19:22 < herlo> slim down the size of the box itself
19:22 < herlo> you only missed about 2 minutes
19:22 < herlo> the contents and the size of the box
19:22 < ke4qqq> to what pelican
19:22 < herlo> remove stuff that's heavy, like the LCD
19:23 < herlo> the pelican 1610 looks promising, its a bit smaller
than the 1660 listed
19:24 < herlo> http://tinyurl.com/pelican1610
19:24  * ke4qqq runs to look
19:24 < herlo> http://tinyurl.com/pelican1660
19:25 < herlo> without foam its $160
19:25 < herlo> retail from the pelican store itself too
19:25 < ke4qqq> that's not bad
19:26 < herlo> yeah
19:27 < herlo> so that lowers the price quite a bit, and I think I can
purchase one of those this weekend
19:27 < ke4qqq> if we can get the media money I might allocate some of
that money from my events.
19:28 < herlo> nah, I'm just going to use the UTOSC 2008 money I have
left over (and some of my own) to make this happen
19:28 < ke4qqq> cool!
19:28 < herlo> well, at least what I can
19:28 < herlo> but it should happen before I have to ship things to OLF
19:29 < herlo> iWolf: so when do I need to send this off to you btw?
19:29 < herlo> I also will be purchasing a couple small tubes for the
fedora banners.  These should easily fit in the eventbox
19:31 < herlo> okay, so any other thoughts?
19:31 < ke4qqq> I have some large 4 foot tall tubes for shipping
19:31 < ke4qqq> and perhaps others.
19:31 < herlo> too big, they need to fit into the Pelican 1610 :(
19:31  * ke4qqq makes note to task self to ask his marketing dept about that.
19:31 < ke4qqq> ahhhh ok
19:31 < ke4qqq> I though we had talked about shipping separately
19:31 < herlo> yeah, but it seems they aren't very big
19:31 < herlo> they currently fit in the box I have at home
19:31 < ke4qqq> ahhhh ok
19:32 < ke4qqq> outstanding
19:32 < herlo> its about the same size, I'll have to measure this weekend
19:32 < herlo> k, so it seems there's some good progress here
19:32 < herlo> pelican 1610 (probably)
19:32 < herlo> an XO and some small Lappy for making LiveUSBs
19:33 < ke4qqq> what else can we do to get this one jumpstarted for this one.
19:33 < herlo> Wireless Router and ethernet cables
19:33 < herlo> power strips
19:33 < herlo> ke4qqq: we need to find the fedora tablecloth or buy another one
19:33 < herlo> the fedora banners and posters will go in the box np
19:34 < herlo> hooks, pens, markers, any leftover swag.
19:34 < herlo> do we think this will all fit?
19:34 < herlo> basically, I want to remove items 5-8 from the current
EventBox page
19:35 < ke4qqq> please do so.
19:35 < herlo> well, I think we need to build our own page, or create
our own version for NA
19:36 < ke4qqq> is there a reason why??
19:36 < ke4qqq> I mean the page as it is was stolen from gnome
19:36 < herlo> yes, because I think this is what EMEA currently uses
19:36 < herlo> I knew that too
19:37 < herlo> I mean, I'm happy to adjust the page, just don't want
to change it if others are using it
19:37 < ke4qqq> when was it last modified?
19:38 < herlo> July this year by quaid
19:38 < herlo> looks like it wsa just created in May by iWolf
19:38 < herlo> oh wait
19:38 < herlo> haha, migration
19:39 < herlo> Fab made some chagnes in May too, might have been just formatting
19:39 < herlo> pretty much looks the same though
19:39 < ke4qqq> I say edit boldly
19:39 < herlo> and since there's no history before may, dunno
19:39 < herlo> k, will do
19:40 < herlo> moving forward, any complaints?
19:41 < DemonJester> looks / sounds good
19:41 < herlo> k, so moving forward
19:42 < herlo> AmbassadorKit now has a FUDCon F11 Boston Hackfest
19:42  * inode0 arrives late
19:42 < herlo> the idea is to have the Art folks help us a little to
design a piece of paper that we can fold into a box
19:42 < ke4qqq> who is showing up from ART?
19:42 < herlo> as well as finalize the design of what it should look
like when finished.
19:42 < ke4qqq> mizmo isn't
19:42 < herlo> ke4qqq: dunno
19:43 < herlo> ke4qqq: mizmo lives in Boston
19:43 < herlo> I'll go to her house and have her help me :)
19:43 < herlo> lol
19:43 < inode0> mizmo will be at FUDcon
19:43 < ke4qqq> ignore me I am thinking of olf
19:43 < herlo> ok
19:43 < herlo> whew
19:43 < herlo> but there will be others, tw2113 might be there
19:44 < ke4qqq> cool
19:45 < herlo> ianweller might be there, but it'll be tough for him
19:45 < ianweller> if someone pays for me to, i'll most likely go
19:45 < ianweller> ;)
19:46 < ianweller> tw2113 said it'll be hard for him to get to a boston fudcon
19:46 < herlo> yeah
19:46 < ianweller> herlo: i saw that hackfest, i'm quite interested. tee hee
19:46 < herlo> w00t!
19:46 < herlo> ianweller: we're gonna rock boston
19:46  * herlo has to figure out how to get there now
19:46 < ianweller> herlo: swim
19:47 < herlo> lol, from Utah?
19:47 < ianweller> YES. :P
19:47 < herlo> very little ocean or rivers from there in that
direction, but I'll try :)
19:47 < ianweller> yeah you're on the west of the rockies, it'd be difficult
19:47 < herlo> so I think we plan on hacking all day on Friday and
Sunday we go out and purchase some stuff in Boston to make what we
19:48 < herlo> maybe we come up with the art, and send it to printers
so on sunday we can test it out
19:48  * ianweller is thinking of a box design in his head already
19:48 < ianweller> how big is the box supposed to be? have we gotten
that far yet?
19:48 < herlo> stickers and pins, tshirsts, etc can be added and maybe
we could even find a shrink wrap place close by
19:48 < herlo> ianweller: yes, hang on, I'll find you a link
19:49 < ianweller> if we need we can substitute zip-loc baggies for shrink wrap.
19:49 < herlo> true
19:49 < herlo> hair dryers are in most hotels :)
19:50 < herlo> ianweller:
19:50 < herlo> its been sitting there for a while.  I've not yet
bugged Art but once about it
19:50 < herlo> more bugging to come in the near future :)
19:51 < herlo> okay, moving forward, already 50 minutes in
19:51 < ianweller> heh
19:51 < herlo> any objections?
19:52  * ianweller goes back to lurking
19:53 < herlo> FAMSCO mediea discussion, did this happen yet?
19:53 < herlo> s/iea/ia/
19:53 < ke4qqq> think iwolf is pushing that forward
19:54 < herlo> k, I heard that we might be lower than .576 too, but
not yet, so that number is solid though
19:54 < ke4qqq> but we essentially still need to come up with the money
19:54 < ke4qqq> substantially lower?
19:55 < herlo> well, when you are talking 3000 discs, .005 can make a
big difference
19:55 < herlo> so maybe
19:55 < herlo> lets keep that one here for now though, $.576
19:55 < ke4qqq> k
19:55 < herlo> moving forward again, objections?
19:55 < herlo> Blogging about FAD and FAD planning
19:56 < herlo> I failed you all by not bloggin yet about FAd, I'll do
that this coming week
19:56 < herlo> its probably not a bad idea to spread it out a little
19:56 < ke4qqq> we had some movement but not all of them - inode0 can
you ping jtaber about that?? he still needs to get on the planet.
19:56 < ke4qqq> yep
19:56 < herlo> is there anything we need to do to help iWolf plan this event?
19:57 < lcafiero> I'm not on the planet yet either.
19:57 < ke4qqq> yes lcafiero you are on my list too
19:57 < herlo> well, we can solve that tonight lcafiero
19:57 < herlo> :)
19:57 < lcafiero> Says a lot for me . . . :-)
19:57 < ke4qqq> iWolf essentially wants us to run the thing
19:57 < herlo> k
19:57 < ke4qqq> since he will be busy with olf
19:57 < herlo> so we need an agenda and a plan for getting together thenright?
19:58 < ke4qqq> yep
19:58 < herlo> k, is there a wiki page on this?
19:58 < ke4qqq> yes
19:59 < herlo> ke4qqq: you, me and inode0 need to sit down this/next
week and hammer this out then
19:59 < ke4qqq> ok will have do this later in the week
20:00 < ke4qqq> I am traveling tomorrow
20:00 < ke4qqq> perhaps thursday evening?
20:00 < herlo> thursday should work
20:00 < herlo> or we can do it next week too
20:01 < ke4qqq> inode0: ?
20:01  * inode0 busy again with family matters, sorry
20:01 < ke4qqq> ok next week then
20:01 < herlo> inode0: monday next week work for you?
20:01 < herlo> early evening probably
20:02 < herlo> ke4qqq: you too
20:04 < herlo> k, we'll table that
20:04 < herlo> moving on?
20:04 < ke4qqq> ok
20:05 < herlo> I think that's it for tasks, there's planet aggregation
we already discussed, then I don't have any updates on the shipping
policy, but will soon
20:05 < herlo> polos??
20:06 < DemonJester> I havent received an invoice yet so I dont know
if they were ordered last thurs or not.
20:06 < ke4qqq> pascal supposedly ordered on 9/4
20:06 < ke4qqq> neither have I
20:06 < DemonJester> he normally fronts the money up front and
invoices later.. At least he did last order
20:07 < herlo> yep he did
20:07 < herlo> I got one and stickster said they look really nice
20:07 < herlo> he saw mine at UTOSC
20:07 < DemonJester> they are nice.
20:08 < herlo> yes they are
20:09 < ke4qqq> did larry talk about media?
20:09 < inode0> back, I can be available for FAD planning whenever -
looking forward to it
20:10 < herlo> k, sounds godo
20:10 < herlo> k, open floor
20:10 < herlo> unless you guys wanna discuss the polos more
20:11 < herlo> I have a couple things
20:11 < DemonJester> I have a quick question after you are done
20:12 < herlo> k
20:12 < herlo> So here's my thoughts
20:12 < herlo> one is, what happened to the logging of the meetings?
I know that ke4qqq asked me about a way to make the wiki create agenda
templates for us, shouldn't be to hard I suppose
20:13 < herlo> I looked on the
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings#Next_Meeting page
, and nothign is there since early August
20:13 < herlo> we should really try to keep this info there, unless
its stored elsewhere?
20:13 < inode0> I thought we were going to post logs to f-a-l and
links to the archives on the meeting pages?!
20:13 < herlo> right
20:14 < herlo> but I don't see the links on the meeting pages
20:14 < herlo> nor do I see follow ups on the main meeting page itself
that points to those meeting pages
20:14 < herlo> how are people to get to the meeting minutes if we
don't have a link on the wiki?
20:14 < herlo> I'm not trying to criticize too much, just trying to
solidify the process
20:15 < inode0> no, it would definitely be good to have links to the archives
20:15 < herlo> and if I am wrong, please beat me
20:15 < herlo> :)
20:15 < inode0> or post them both places to start with, either way
20:16 < DemonJester> I can go back and fix some of that later this
week(end) and add the links etc if you want
20:16 < herlo> w00t thanks DemonJester
20:16 < herlo> I think that's really great
20:16 < herlo> okay, so the other thing is that we need to make sure
to update the task list every week, no real biggie, but if someone
would do that during the meeting ??
20:16 < inode0> going forward let's just add that task to whoever
posts them to the mailing list - simple enough
20:17 < herlo> k, sounds good
20:17 < herlo> what about the task list? or is that what you are referring?
20:17 < inode0> agreed, next report on task X is three weeks ago isn't good :)
20:18 < herlo> k, DemonJester you had something?
20:18 < DemonJester> yep
20:19 < inode0> my last comment was about putting the links on the
meeting page in conjunction with sending the mail to f-a-l
20:19 < herlo> pls share
20:19 < herlo> inode0: great
20:19 < DemonJester> is there a specific place where we can get
stickers from or do we get them printed locally ourself?
20:20 < herlo> this has been up for discussion many times, dont' think
we have a decision except bf
20:20 < herlo> and I don't know thta they even have any
20:20 < DemonJester> okay I will check into local sources for what I
need for now.
20:20 < inode0> I think the plan is to get a boatload printed - but it
is slow going
20:21 < herlo> I think we shoudl put this on the task list actually
20:21 < DemonJester> wasnt the store sig for this type of thing? I
havent seen any meetings about that though since I joined the group
20:21 < inode0> seems like I recall some marketing meetings where this
has been discussed extensively
20:23 < DemonJester> thats all I had.
20:24 < herlo> DemonJester: store sig is mostly not going right now,
but I hope to see that increase soon
20:24 < herlo> inode0: that's good to hear.  I can't make those
meetings as they are right in the middle of my work day (aka teaching)
20:24 < inode0> here is what I recall hearing last time I attended
20:25 < inode0> mo had a good price on sheets of stickers and was
asked to get some additional quotes for smaller runs
20:25 < inode0> then maybe a run of 250 or 500 sheets would be done to
quality check
20:25 < inode0> if they are nice go for a really large order
20:26 < inode0> no idea on how those would be distributed though
20:26 < herlo> inode0: next time in proxy for me, can you see about
bumper sticker style (actually 1x3) because I think those would go
over well.
20:27 < herlo> and if we can't do something like we're planning with media?
20:28 < inode0> 1x3 in what units?
20:28 < herlo> best production costs
20:28 < herlo> probably 1k/quarter at minimum
20:29 < herlo> good for AmbassadorKits
20:31 < herlo> any other comments?
20:31 < herlo> EOM then?
20:32 < herlo> 10
20:32 < herlo> 9
20:32 < herlo> 8
20:32 < herlo> 7
20:32 < herlo> 6
20:32 < herlo> 5
20:32 < herlo> 4
20:32 < herlo> 3
20:32 < herlo> 2
20:32 < herlo> 1
20:32 < herlo> EOF

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