[Ambassadors] Ambassadors list

Francesco Ugolini fugolini at fedoraproject.org
Fri Sep 12 23:22:27 UTC 2008

2008/9/12 Paul W. Frields <stickster at gmail.com>:
> I have a question for FAMSCo:  Can someone who is a well-known and
> active Fedora contributor join the fedora-ambassadors-list, without
> having to take on yet more Ambassador duties?

I think all your argumentations are reasonable as I just said in my
previous messages. I have bother respect and consideration for you and
I think the reason behind this proposal are not unjustified.

There is meanwhile a big problem: Ambassadors is a project
out-of-the-scheme, just because we don't discuss about development or
everything connected with a direct result, we discuss about people
that have to talk with other people. In that way we provide
Ambassadors the tools they need to be able to accomplish their duties.

So, it could seem off-topic and maybe it is, but I need it to go ahead.

Mailing list is one of the most important tool that we have, it has
the same role of CVS for a programmer or a documentation editor. It
allow us to let the other ambassadors know about the efforts of each
other, and could help people not to repeat the work. Not only. It is
our first resource to train new Ambassadors, just see how many people
ask "What can I do?" and so on. Those seem stupid questions but they
make clear that Ambassadors list is the first place to learn what to

What could mean open the Ambassadors List?

As I've just said, I would pay to have key-fedora-contributors in
Ambassadors project, I'm sure if you will ask in the list you'll get
the same answer. Meanwhile as FAmSCo member I have to guarantee the
Ambassadors Project "ecosystem" from the "desertification" that a mass
opening of the list could cause.

I'm not talking about trusted people like key-fedora-contributors, I'm
talking about a lot of people that will join the list only because
they learn something somewhere, maybe without knowing what is really
Ambassadors Project.

Yes, I agree with you if you tell me that it could be the worst case,
but I'm sure it could explain the concerns expressed by experienced
people like Joerg and Robert.

As FAmSCo we have to guarantee that Ambassadors will have the total
control of one of their most important tool.

Just let me do an example taken from another Fedora project: I'm the
maintainer of a package, I'm the only one with the CVS access to that
package, if someone else will access the package and will change it, I
surely will fill disappointed and I'll get frustrated.

I'm not a packager, but I could understand his feelings if it will happen.

At the end let me ask everyone to think on yourself about your
experience in the Ambassadors project, particularly with Fedora
Ambassadors list. Now, imagine if we will open this one, I'm sure only
the minority of the people that will join it will know the important
role of Ambassadors List.

I, personally, will agree if someone want to simplify the process to
become an Ambassador (*), but as part of this project for more than 2
years I will be a liar if I'll not move the previous doubts and

Could it be a benefit? You have to give me the answer.

Best regards

Francesco Ugolini

"If this is the best of all possible worlds, what are the others?" Voltaire

(*) FAmSCo is just working on a more easy process to became Ambassadors.

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