[Ambassadors] Don't wait for it, do it yourself (Was: Re: What To Do)

Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) bochecha at fedoraproject.org
Sun Aug 9 12:29:36 UTC 2009

> Thats why i'm visiting no events.
> It would be nice, to have more local events to attend on it.

Why not create one?

You could organize release parties. Those are events, they are not
really hard to organize (of course if you're alone, that can prove to
be a challenge), and you would have your local events :)

You could even invite some other ambassadors who could have the money
to travel to your place and help you, give conferences,...

That might even be the start to a well estabilshed FOSS community in
your country, leading to more important events (e.g. like LinuxTag) in
the future.

Best regards,


Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)

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