[Ambassadors] What to Do?

"Juan J. Martí­nez" jjm at usebox.net
Mon Aug 10 10:17:48 UTC 2009

Joerg Simon escribió:
>  [...]
> rules and guidelines are good till a certain point, if we establish a system 
> where regulation and punishment is in place you will destroy every open 
> system.

I'm a newbie here, and under certain circumstances, it may be seen as 
advantage because I can share my experience as newcomer.

I'm a free software supporter and advocate for almost 9 years and after 
being a long time Ubuntu user, I moved to Fedora because I found very 
interesting how's organized the community.

One of the things attracted me most is how well is all the stuff 
documented in the wiki, and the other is how easy is to get involved. No 
entry barriers, and a message like 'do anything you can, and anything 
you wan, you're welcome'.

That was a refreshing travel back to some years ago when I was involved 
in local groups. Everybody is welcome, it's so easy to be part of the 
community, but only time will say if you're really a contributor.

Don't get me wrong, good intentions count, but being part of a community 
it's about acting and having some work done. I'm not saying that other 
communities fail to address that objective, but I like Fedora's way.

I realized when I joined the point Frank started with this thread: if 
it's too easy to join a club, you'll have some poseurs (people that does 
nothing but show the 'I'm a Fedora ambassador' sticker), people that 
will loose their energy or interest in time, etc; but in exchange you'll 
have lots of people contributing just because was so easy for them to start.

> Lets focus on how we can improve ourself and make a better job as ambassadors.
> I see in the following thread, that people start to justify their behaivour as 
> Ambassadors - maybe i am sensible because i am from former-east-germany - but 
> is this the beginning of a witch hunt?  

I must admit that sometimes the 'joining the ambassador project' was a 
bit confusing for me. I miss something, let's call it mentoring or 
guidance. OK, it was easy to get here... and now what?

I got one e-mail from an ambassador asking about the situation in my 
zone (Spain), and wondering why there are so few events in Spain. I 
don't felt like it was an accusation but like being guided.

My two cents.



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