[Ambassadors] Fedora Freemedia processing is now automated. Testing required. (please read.)

susmit shannigrahi thinklinux.ssh at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 03:42:45 UTC 2009

> 2: "Others" unless there is some way to a-z them?, you could spend the
> month searching. I would put an actual country box for other to fill in.

I think this needs some discussion. :)

I have done this solely for making the requests Uniform and generate
the reports from it.

For example, for generating pending requests from India I use something like,

select all requests where country="India".

Now if someone types the country as india or misspells it, it will be
omitted from the reports. This is the only reason of drop down list.

Do we ship much media to the counties outside the list?
What is the estimated number of "Trans-country" shipping and from
where to where?

Thanks for your help.



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