[Ambassadors] Fedora UK Community Website

Alex Hudson fedora at alexhudson.com
Fri Jan 16 13:19:54 UTC 2009


(I'm a new ambassador - hope people don't mind me poking my nose in, but 
I'm in the UK :)

Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) wrote:
> As Christoph said, the fp.o is hosted in the US, that says much more.
> For example, libdvdcss is _not_ illegal anymore in France. This means that
> we can read encrypted DVDs in France and explain how to do that.

I was under the impression that with DAVDSI/EUCD, libdvdcss is still 
verboten in Europe, but I suppose that is slightly beside the point.

Global law is never going to be consistent, so there may be things which 
are free in some places which are not free in others. But I think actual 
legal advice would be needed - if information is associated with Fedora, 
I'm not sure sure why it would matter where it would be hosted personally.

I think this is different from using the term "Fedora" colloquially, too.

The other issue Christoph raised seemed to be about lowering the 
barriers of access to contribute - and I think that's a very good point. 
There was some recent discussion on fedora-devel about docs.fp.o moving 
to a CMS of some sort. It strikes me that kind of access is much better 
than docbook/et al and would encourage more contributions.

I think it's important to separate the legal/"what is free" question 
from the question of contribution, though - dividing users based on 
their locality isn't good (and doesn't quite match their language 
preference either!), and I'm not totally sure that it would work legally 
in terms of allowing the ability to talk about/promote software that the 
main project can't use.



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