[Ambassadors] FAmNA Meeting Minutes from 2009-01-20
inode0 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 14:45:10 UTC 2009
(08:00:03 PM) inode0: FAmNA Meeting - Roll Call please
(08:01:36 PM) QuickStart: QuickStar here
(08:01:42 PM) QuickStart: .fas QuickStart
(08:01:43 PM) ***DemonJester present
(08:01:43 PM) zodbot: QuickStart: luisotero2 '' <luisoterofc9 at gmail.com>
(08:01:51 PM) DemonJester: .fas DemonJester
(08:01:52 PM) zodbot: DemonJester: bpowell01 'Brian Powell'
<bpowell01 at gmail.com>
(08:02:07 PM) DemonJester: let the spam begin.. ;)
(08:02:20 PM) inode0: perhaps wikilink is better?
(08:02:41 PM) ***DemonJester personally doesnt mind gmail handles it well
(08:03:13 PM) inode0: we will be joined in a bit by others I think so
let's start
(08:03:23 PM) inode0: Announcements
(08:03:30 PM) ***inode0 has one
(08:03:35 PM) QuickStart: go for it
(08:03:57 PM) inode0: We have moved to the twice a month schedule now
through February, so no meeting next week
(08:04:19 PM) DemonJester: the next one on a thursday right?
(08:04:27 PM) inode0: We will meet next month on 2/3 and 2/7 with Mike
McGrath joining us on 2/3 to discuss infrastructure with us
(08:04:49 PM) inode0: DemonJester: no, we are staying on Tuesdays for
another month
(08:04:53 PM) QuickStart: Mike McGrath as in Sugar ray?
(08:04:59 PM) ***DemonJester hopes someone is going to remind him of
when the meeting is, I already am confused about the new schedule
(08:05:00 PM) inode0: I meant 2/3 and 2/17
(08:05:05 PM) inode0: not 2/7
(08:05:06 PM) QuickStart: k
(08:05:20 PM) inode0: 1st and 3rd Tuesday
(08:05:35 PM) inode0: herlo will still send out reminders
(08:05:43 PM) DemonJester: thats good
(08:05:47 PM) inode0: Any other announcements?
(08:06:02 PM) DemonJester: none here
(08:06:06 PM) inode0: Agenda is here:
(08:06:14 PM) kam: Hi, Kam is on
(08:06:20 PM) inode0: Hi Kam
(08:06:41 PM) inode0: Larry is coming late to discuss the next couple of items
(08:06:51 PM) inode0: So let's begin with COSSFEST
(08:07:33 PM) inode0: We were contacted by folks from this conference
about providing speakers
(08:07:54 PM) DemonJester: Calgary.... That's a hike..
(08:08:12 PM) inode0: Which raises a lingering question in my mind ...
why don't we have a good way to request speakers or do we and I don't
know about it?
(08:08:28 PM) DemonJester: I am not aware of any system for that either
(08:09:09 PM) ***inode0 wonders how often this happens
(08:09:42 PM) DemonJester: how did we get contacted this time?
(08:10:09 PM) inode0: First they contacted Alex by email and she
forwarded the mail to either the marketing or ambassador list
(08:10:12 PM) djf_jeff: excuse my late arrival, work emergency call
(08:10:21 PM) inode0: Then someone else stopped by in #fedora-ambassadors
(08:10:29 PM) inode0: np djf_jeff
(08:11:07 PM) DemonJester: ianweller: ping
(08:11:09 PM) inode0: So who has a plan for trying to fill the request at hand?
(08:11:41 PM) ***DemonJester notes to far for me, someone from the
west coast perhaps
(08:11:43 PM) inode0: Looks like a nice conference, 300-400 expected
to attend this year
(08:11:54 PM) QuickStart: where when?
(08:12:06 PM) DemonJester: Calgary April 17 and 18
(08:12:15 PM) inode0: click on the link on the agenda for lots of details
(08:13:17 PM) inode0: Since they are primarily looking for speakers I
don't think hitting the ambassadors is quite enough
(08:14:04 PM) QuickStart: true
(08:14:56 PM) inode0: Perhaps we can bug FAmSCo about how to spread
the word to possibly interested parties without being pests
(08:15:02 PM) DemonJester: ah what the heck it's only 2134 miles for me ;)
(08:15:22 PM) QuickStart: any plans on doing courses their?
(08:15:24 PM) QuickStart: *there
(08:15:30 PM) ***herlo is here for 15 minutes or so...
(08:15:32 PM) inode0: Seems like this must have come up before
(08:15:52 PM) DemonJester: Ask ian if there is a wiki page we may not
be aware of
(08:15:56 PM) inode0: QuickStart: we have no plans to be there at all
at the moment
(08:16:03 PM) QuickStart: k
(08:16:27 PM) inode0: I just want to try to get word out if possible
in case someone would like to go
(08:17:01 PM) inode0: herlo: Would you like to update us on the budget news?
(08:17:06 PM) djf_jeff: maybe the next FWN?
(08:17:10 PM) herlo: we have more MONEY!
(08:17:11 PM) inode0: while you are with us for a minute
(08:17:17 PM) herlo: $10k total to be exact
(08:17:31 PM) inode0: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Budget
(08:17:32 PM) herlo: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Budget
(08:17:34 PM) herlo: lol
(08:17:56 PM) QuickStart: yeah money
(08:18:30 PM) inode0: so we mop up the media needs, add some
conference funds, and some persistent infrastructure items?
(08:18:49 PM) QuickStart: so is it possible to have our Ambassador Kits?
(08:18:58 PM) DemonJester: we already do
(08:18:59 PM) herlo: QuickStart: order one and we'll deliver it
(08:19:15 PM) herlo: I am in the process of looking into some retractable signs
(08:20:01 PM) loupgaroublond: hi all
(08:20:02 PM) DemonJester: herlo: like the ones at OLF?
(08:20:13 PM) herlo: DemonJester: maybe
(08:20:17 PM) DemonJester: cool!
(08:20:19 PM) ***lcafiero tries to sneak in unnoticed and takes a seat
in the back.
(08:20:24 PM) herlo: I was thinking there are some things to overcome with those
(08:20:27 PM) inode0: lcafiero: welcome and we'll get to your items shortly
(08:20:28 PM) herlo: lcafiero: hi
(08:20:31 PM) herlo: good timing
(08:20:43 PM) ***DemonJester pulls charid out from under lcafiero to
draw attention to him ;-)
(08:20:45 PM) herlo: we have money for FAD at SCaLE too
(08:20:47 PM) DemonJester: chair
(08:20:50 PM) djf_jeff: herlo: let me know what you found on
retractable sign, we just made some at our job, I can get the pricing
if you want to compare
(08:21:00 PM) herlo: djf_jeff: cool, will do
(08:21:16 PM) QuickStart: yeaaaaa I gonna get a kit
(08:21:36 PM) herlo: so if you guys know of anything that is paid,
updated it on the Budget page
(08:21:38 PM) inode0: QuickStart: use it wisely
(08:21:54 PM) herlo: luke
(08:21:55 PM) DemonJester: did MAX take care of SPP yet?
(08:22:00 PM) herlo: use the force, luke
(08:22:09 PM) herlo: DemonJester: dunno, but he's on a plane today
(08:22:13 PM) QuickStart: lol
(08:22:13 PM) loupgaroublond: i have to go afk for a bit, but we got
the ambassador kit for pittsburgh, it was pretty well received
(08:22:20 PM) ***QuickStart moves a chair hey I'm a jedi
(08:22:52 PM) herlo: anyway, I want lcafiero to talk about FAD at
SCaLE, so I'll shut up and watch...
(08:23:13 PM) lcafiero: And I'll watch whatever herlo's watching.
(08:23:14 PM) inode0: ok, I agree with herlo that we should all peek
in at the budget page on the wiki from time to time and update it when
(08:23:15 PM) lcafiero: Oh wait.
(08:23:28 PM) herlo: :)
(08:23:53 PM) lcafiero: Okay, FAD at SCaLE.
(08:23:54 PM) inode0: Backing up on the agenda there are two SCaLE
items and lcafiero has the floor for those now
(08:24:28 PM) lcafiero: Okay, if it please the chair, I'd like to take
them in reverse order.
(08:24:47 PM) lcafiero: Agenda first, then volunteers.
(08:25:56 PM) lcafiero: We have a fairly large room, the Kennedy room,
at our disposal on the Friday before SCaLE, which will allow us an
opportunity to get some things done
(08:26:14 PM) lcafiero: Last week there were some ideas flown, but
nothing etched in stone.
(08:27:04 PM) lcafiero: Not having been to OLF, I don't have that as a
reference point, but I would like to get some work done, have a
presentation or two and, if it please those attending, having
something social (i.e., not work) related in the evening.
(08:27:47 PM) lcafiero: Again, this is on the Friday before SCaLE
starts, and we join a couple of other somewhat large events prior to
SCaLE, so it would give Fedora some significant exposure
(08:28:23 PM) lcafiero: With the exposure facet of this, we should
probably have some sort of presentation thing during the course of
Friday along with the work we can do, if that's what we decide to do.
(08:28:52 PM) inode0: Is this presentation for ambassadors or a public thing?
(08:28:55 PM) lcafiero: So what I'm asking is for ideas from the floor
about what kind of activities, presentations, etc., we should try to
(08:29:10 PM) crossbytes: sorry that I am late
(08:29:33 PM) DemonJester: crossbytes: no worries we will just dock your pay ;)
(08:29:38 PM) lcafiero: I would think it would be open to the public
-- especially the presentations. I don't think fixing packaging, for
example (as mentioned last week), would appeal to someone who's new to
(08:30:00 PM) QuickStart: if you can pay for my travel to Cossfest I'll talk
(08:30:31 PM) ianweller: DemonJester: whaaaaaat (pong)
(08:30:32 PM) inode0: QuickStart: you need to submit a proposal for a
talk that gets accepted :)
(08:30:50 PM) lcafiero: I'd like to have an agenda firmed up by the
end of the week, or by next meeting for approval.
(08:30:53 PM) QuickStart: ok I'll talk to you later about it in the
ambassador channel
(08:31:03 PM) DemonJester: ianweller: are you aware of any wiki page
for Fedora speaking requests or info?
(08:31:05 PM) lcafiero: It can be discussed on f-a-l as well.
(08:31:09 PM) ianweller: DemonJester: no
(08:31:20 PM) DemonJester: ianweller: ok thanks.
(08:31:23 PM) herlo: okay, so let me interject here
(08:31:31 PM) lcafiero: please, herlo
(08:31:34 PM) herlo: the point of FAD is to get somethign done for Fedora
(08:32:00 PM) herlo: thus, Packaging Fonts (which is what I plan on
promoting) and Docs (which Karsten put out a call) would be a great
(08:32:11 PM) herlo: thx ke4qqq ^^
(08:32:14 PM) lcafiero: +1
(08:32:52 PM) herlo: the point about including outsiders into FAD
should also be somethign we should do and very viable, thus an
Ambassador presentation would be great. I am already presenting at
SCaLE, so I vote for someone else. But
(08:33:10 PM) lcafiero: I can do that, herlo
(08:33:40 PM) herlo: we need to invite adora and the other guy from
irivine (I fail at his name) to come along and would like to pay for
their travel & room as needed, any objections?
(08:34:01 PM) herlo: If anything is left over, I'd like to pay for
lcafiero and my room (we can share probably)
(08:34:16 PM) lcafiero: Adora and Jsmidt will be asked, and I know
jsmidt expressed an interest in coming.
(08:34:18 PM) herlo: anyway, that's my time, I have to go back to teaching
(08:34:19 PM) lcafiero: I am following up on that.
(08:35:16 PM) lcafiero: I discussed doing something earlier in the
week at UC Irvine with jsmidt, and I will have to see if that's still
(08:36:00 PM) lcafiero: Anyway, I like the idea of packaging fonts and
docs. Anything else? Is that enough, work-wise?
(08:36:28 PM) inode0: lcafiero: the problem with us suggesting things
is that those things might not be a good fit for who actually attends
(08:36:56 PM) QuickStart: true
(08:37:01 PM) inode0: I would suggest nailing down the core attendees,
and have them propose what they want to accomplish
(08:37:02 PM) lcafiero: Good point, and I'm a living breathing
example. Docs I can do, packaging fonts I'll have to learn.
(08:37:23 PM) inode0: They will accomplish more if they are working on
what interests them
(08:37:35 PM) DemonJester: +1
(08:37:49 PM) lcafiero: Okay, then we'll work on the attendees. Other
than herlo, quaid and me, anyone else here making it down to L.A.?
(08:37:53 PM) lcafiero: Just curious.
(08:37:56 PM) QuickStart: aren't the fonts bitmaps?
(08:38:11 PM) QuickStart: I'll go if my stay and travel is covered
(08:38:20 PM) ***DemonJester will not be making the trip
(08:38:56 PM) lcafiero: Since the FAD concept has gone through a
change recently to be more regional in nature, just seeing who's
around, that's all.
(08:39:09 PM) crossbytes: crossbytes won't be making the trip..
(08:39:26 PM) djf_jeff: I will not make it too
(08:39:54 PM) lcafiero: Okay, thanks for the rough head count.
(08:40:28 PM) DemonJester: lcafiero: shoot a message to the ML and see
if any West Coaster are interested.
(08:40:37 PM) lcafiero: On the issue of SCaLE itself, herlo is making
a presentation and we're still looking for volunteers for the booth.
(08:40:40 PM) lcafiero: Will do, DemonJester
(08:40:41 PM) inode0: Not looking at a lot of takers here tonight but
volunteers?! :)
(08:40:58 PM) lcafiero: Didn't expect any, just thought I'd throw it
out there for the record.
(08:41:37 PM) inode0: Good to throw out, good to have a link handy to
give others later
(08:41:44 PM) lcafiero: The booth, in my opinion, is in a pretty good
position on the floor. I am still working on the logistics with herlo
and quaid to get the event box there.
(08:41:45 PM) ***DemonJester suggests Adora :-)
(08:41:59 PM) lcafiero: herlo, want to tell us what you're talking
about at SCaLE?
(08:42:13 PM) inode0: spins wasn't it?
(08:42:23 PM) lcafiero: I believe so.
(08:42:55 PM) inode0: herlo is teaching something now on Tuesdays so
isn't here watching now I don't think
(08:43:01 PM) lcafiero: Oh, right.
(08:43:10 PM) lcafiero: Okay, so that's about it for those two items
(08:43:18 PM) lcafiero: More to follow on the list.
(08:43:30 PM) lcafiero: [Lots more]
(08:43:41 PM) inode0: ok, thanks lcafiero
(08:44:14 PM) inode0: I will slip in that I sent out a request for an
owner of PyCon - please consider doing that if you are in the Chicago
(08:44:32 PM) lcafiero: +1
(08:44:40 PM) lcafiero: Also think about a FAD event in your area.
(08:44:51 PM) lcafiero: (sorry inode0 -- had to throw that in)
(08:45:05 PM) inode0: that is fine
(08:45:16 PM) djf_jeff: Chicago is a little far for me but I already
think of a FAD in Quebec
(08:45:34 PM) lcafiero: +1 djf_jeff
(08:46:22 PM) inode0: Alright, last formal item is the task list
(which has dwindled to only a couple items)
(08:46:51 PM) inode0: Speakers? ianweller and herlo were planning to
round up some
(08:47:04 PM) lcafiero: ?
(08:47:07 PM) ianweller: oh for these meetings?
(08:47:24 PM) inode0: Recruiting speakers, ian was to check with spot I recall
(08:47:30 PM) ianweller: yeah.
(08:47:34 PM) ***ianweller writes down to remember to do that
(08:48:21 PM) inode0: once a month will work well so shoot for March
or April if possible
(08:49:10 PM) inode0: If there is no other business it is an open
floor for any other discussion people would like to have
(08:49:39 PM) DemonJester: inode0: did you get your shirts?
(08:49:47 PM) lcafiero: I'd like to mention that we also have FADs in
the works for LinuxFest Northwest in Washington in April
(08:49:49 PM) inode0: yes I did, thanks
(08:50:22 PM) DemonJester: any word on sticker shipments?
(08:50:30 PM) inode0: not that I have heard
(08:50:53 PM) DemonJester: who had them? Jared?
(08:50:55 PM) inode0: I have some buttons still I can send out when I
figure this shipping business out
(08:51:25 PM) inode0: yes, I think mizmo perhaps was going to help us get some
(08:51:56 PM) djf_jeff: just a quick note for the Montreal Linux
Symposium, I have talked to my employer and I'm ok to go for the week.
I just need to find somewhere to stay
(08:52:07 PM) djf_jeff: and I will post on f-a-l all the details
(08:52:16 PM) inode0: sweet, great news
(08:52:25 PM) DemonJester: djf_jeff: Cool!!
(08:52:31 PM) lcafiero: great, djf_jeff
(08:52:46 PM) inode0: be sure matt knows and his contact at MLS knows
(08:53:14 PM) QuickStart: montreal
(08:53:21 PM) QuickStart: try the best western europa
(08:53:50 PM) QuickStart: its not the best but its a good place to stay
(08:53:54 PM) crossbytes: been approached to speak at an adult
computer evening class re linux, would this qualify as a fad
(08:54:12 PM) inode0: no, but it would qualify as an event
(08:54:15 PM) DemonJester: no but put it on the event page
(08:54:25 PM) DemonJester: ;)
(08:54:29 PM) djf_jeff: I just want to sort all the details before
contacting anyone, I need to find somewhere to get some sleep between
the good events ;)
(08:54:39 PM) djf_jeff: I need to ask my employer, I think we have an
apartment in Montreal
(08:54:59 PM) djf_jeff: I just need to confirm all this
(08:55:24 PM) lcafiero: Just thought of something: How many people
need polo shirts?
(08:55:39 PM) QuickStart: me
(08:55:48 PM) djf_jeff: lcafiero: +1 for me if it's possible
(08:55:51 PM) crossbytes: after confirmation will add it to the events page
(08:55:52 PM) lcafiero: I'm just wondering if there are enough of us,
we can have Pascal make another order.
(08:55:56 PM) inode0: we should see if they still plan to run a bus to
and from Boston, and if so see if we can interest some people from
there in going
(08:55:58 PM) QuickStart: but put it on hold for the time being
(08:56:16 PM) QuickStart: low on funds
(08:56:26 PM) DemonJester: inode0: a bus to where?
(08:56:32 PM) lcafiero: I'll put the polos on the list.
(08:56:49 PM) inode0: the MLS organizers were talking about running a
bus back and forth to Boston
(08:57:02 PM) DemonJester: oh wow..
(08:57:06 PM) djf_jeff: it would be really nice
(08:57:10 PM) lcafiero: How close to Montreal is Boston?
(08:57:17 PM) inode0: would need to go back to matt's first or second
email about it
(08:57:33 PM) djf_jeff: 5-6 hours maybe, I have make the trip 6 month
ago for my RHCE ;)
(08:58:32 PM) inode0: lcafiero: are you going to ping pcalarco about the polos?
(08:58:43 PM) inode0: He might still have one or two leftover from before
(08:58:45 PM) lcafiero: inode0: yes.
(08:59:23 PM) lcafiero: Every time they are available, I'm short of
funds. Now I'm not. :-)
(08:59:36 PM) DemonJester: 5.5 hours according to mapquest
(08:59:38 PM) inode0: just send him your money now then :)
(08:59:45 PM) lcafiero: Good idea
(09:00:15 PM) ***lcafiero prefers denim shirts or sweaters to polos
(09:00:59 PM) QuickStart: lol
(09:01:01 PM) inode0: "... and he's working on chartered busses from
several (nearby) cities such as Boston, Ottawa, and Toronto to ease
getting to Montreal"
(09:01:03 PM) ***djf_jeff prefers shirts too, but for job, a polos is
nice and it give free publicity
(09:01:49 PM) inode0: denim sweaters?
(09:01:49 PM) ***QuickStart will spraypaint a fedora logo on a shirt
to see if that works for the time being
(09:01:58 PM) DemonJester: lol
(09:02:28 PM) inode0: there are always buttons and stickers
(09:03:07 PM) inode0: lots of good stuff happening
(09:03:35 PM) inode0: remember the next meeting will be 2/3 and
mmcgrath will be joining us
(09:03:41 PM) djf_jeff: yeah, many events with a good Fedora presence
(09:04:14 PM) inode0: are we done?
(09:04:28 PM) inode0: 5
(09:04:28 PM) djf_jeff: done for me
(09:04:32 PM) inode0: 4
(09:04:35 PM) inode0: 3
(09:04:38 PM) inode0: 2
(09:04:41 PM) inode0: 1
(09:04:47 PM) inode0: thanks everyone
(09:04:49 PM) inode0: EOF
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