[Ambassadors] FAmNA Meeting Summary from 2009-01-20

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 14:45:51 UTC 2009

* Announcements

   - Reminder that the meetings in February will occur on the 1st and 3rd
     Tuesday of the month.

   - Mike McGrath will attend the 1st meeting in February to discuss the
     work of the infrastructure group with us. Please make a note to attend
     this meeting and learn about infrastructure.

* COSSFEST [http://www.cossfest.ca/]

   - We have been contacted in two ways by the organizers of the Calgary
     Open Source Systems Festival to see if we would like to give talks
     and perhaps have other presence at this event in April.

     If you see this and are interested please contact one of us to get
     you in touch with the folks in Calgary.

* SCaLE FAD [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Activity_Day_at_SCaLE_7x]

   - lcafiero reports facilities and early planning for a FAD at SCaLE
     are done. Work now is ongoing to recruit attendees and set an agenda
     defining the concrete goals we hope to accomplish at this FAD.

* SCaLE Booth Signup [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCALE7X_Event]

   - Some booth help is needed at SCaLE so if you are attending please
     visit this page and signup to spend some time at the Fedora booth.

* Budget Review [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Budget]

   - Budget for Q4 increased about 50% allowing increased funding for
     a FAD at SCaLE this quarter, acquisition of the rest of the media
     for F10, and some additional purchases going to persistent
     ambassador infrastructure (herlo is investigating restractable
     signs for event boxes).

* Tasks [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Tasks]

   - Reminders to those with tasks to recruit future speakers from groups
     within Fedora we haven't yet had a chance to talk to.

* Open Floor

   - A request went out of the f-a-l list looking for an owner for PyCon
     in Chicago. Please contact us if you are available to respresent the
     project at this event. Fedora will have a presence here and it would
     be nice to have our own booth as well.

   - lcafiero notes that work on a FAD at LFNW in April is also under way.

   - Some discussion of shipping supplies around (t-shirts, stickers, buttons).

   - djf_jeff reports that things are starting to look good for him to be
     our representative at the Linux Symposium in Montreal this July. Some
     details still need to be worked out on his end before we can proceed
     with more detailed event planning.

   - Several expressed interest in getting ambassador polos, lcafiero will
     contact pcalarco about the possibility of getting another order in
     before the next batch of events this year.

I would again like to thank all the participants, especially the new
ambassadors joining us for the first time tonight.

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