[Ambassadors] FAmNA Meeting Summary from 2009-06-16

inode0 inode0 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 13:13:34 UTC 2009

* Announcements

   - inode0 reminds everyone this is the last week to vote in the current
     Fedora elections and encourages everyone who hasn't to do so now.

   - VileGent and StabbyMc report on SELF and the Docs FAD, both were huge
     successes. SELF was also the debut appearance of the East Coast Event
     Box thanks to the efforts of VileGent. Fedora tattoos and case badges
     also made their public debut at SELF and were popular items at the

* Events [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents]

   - Montreal Linux Symposium

     djf_jeff needs to get budget request for this in before the end of
     June to avoid a price hike in anticipated fees.

   - OSCON

     lcafiero and quaid continue working to try to acquire a booth for this
     event and have developed a backup plan if that doesn't work out. We are
     currently 2nd in line on a waiting list for an org booth.

   - Red Hat Summit / JBossWorld

     inode0 reports some progress with Red Hat Summit planning including
     more Fedora people confirmed as attendees, Red Hat helping with the
     arrangements to deliver Fedora on USB sticks to all attendees, and
     Fedora has a confirmed booth in the expo.

     The schedule of sessions was released and unfortunately Fedora did not
     get much in the way of speaker slots in the regular conference tracks.
     So we will have to rock the campground!

   - OLF

     VileGent has made much progress getting the groundwork for OLF in
     place early. The Fedora booth is confirmed. Free electric was made
     available to the first 12 .org's who requested it and VileGent got
     Fedora #1 on that list. There is also a webpage for this event now
     containing attendee and budget information.

   - Central Pennsylvania Open Source Conference

     DemonJester reports by proxy that he has contacted the organizers of
     this event and is working to arrange the Fedora booth now.

* Budget Review [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Budget]

   - inode0 requests that someone create the template for our Q2 budget on
     the wiki and davdunc volunteers (and completes the task before the topic
     changes in the meeting!)

   - DemonJester reports by proxy that splatter t-shirts are waiting for the
     final art proof before the order is finished up. (This happened later
     in the week so the t-shirts with the new design are coming to us soon.)

   - StabbyMc reports that he has twisted the arm of a vendor and arranged a
     deal on Fedora branded pens (Bic Clic Stick) at a cost of about 41 cents
     per pen. These will be white barrels with blue trim and have the Fedora
     logo on the barrel. Sentiment from all was to try to get some of these
     for general swag distribution.

   - herlo brings us up to date on the acquisition of new banners for the
     event boxes. Most of the work on this is complete but herlo requests
     that someone else volunteer to finish up this task and get them ordered.
     nb volunteers as the lead to finish this up with the assistance of
     other ambassadors who have experience with the acquisition process.

* Tasks [https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Tasks]

   - no report

* Open Floor

   - inode0 thanks everyone who is stepping up to make things happen in NA.
     The growth in the number of ambassadors doing the legwork to improve
     our presence at events large and small is really helping us move forward.

I would again like to thank all the participants, especially the new
ambassadors joining us for the first time tonight.

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