Rawhide 20080328 Snapshot Released

Jesse Keating jkeating at redhat.com
Fri Mar 28 21:00:06 UTC 2008

As part of our development schedule, we are releasing a snapshot of
Rawhide in iso and Live form.  We are releasing these via bittorrent
only as it is a much lighter weight method to get bits out the door than
to go through our mirroring system.  If you cannot use bittorrent we
apologize for the inconvenience.

http://torrent.fedoraproject.org/ has a section marked
Rawhide-20080328-Snapshot with CDs, DVD, and Live torrents.  The Live
images were actually made from yesterday's rawhide as the attempt from
today's rawhide overflowed the CD size.  The CDs and DVDs were made with
today's rawhide plus an updates.img inserted into them to resolve some
known issues we found in testing this morning.

Please us bugzilla to report any problems you find (after making sure
that somebody else hasn't already reported the issues).  The Beta
release notes ( http://fedoraproject.org/en/f9-beta-relnotes ) still
mostly apply.

Thanks for all the testing!
Jesse Keating
Fedora -- All my bits are free, are yours?
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