Names for icons that are not on the Tango list...

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Wed Aug 9 16:54:07 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 11:55 -0400, Diana Fong wrote:
> Thanks...I think for now, I'll just name it as you have there.  I was 
> thinking that it might have a "battery-" prefix...but I guess that is 
> easy enough to change once more of the naming spec is decided on.  I'll 
> also supply the battery-caution/low to satisfy those slots as well. 

Well, I did originally have battery-*, but without being in the spec, a
name clash seemed inevitable. Hence the gpm-* prefix.

> Richard could you send us a note if/when names are decided/changed and 
> if more battery states are added?

Will do. I'll not add anymore in the 2.15/2.16 timeframe if that helps.


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