DNA theme for new FC6 browser splash page

Máirín Duffy duffy at redhat.com
Mon Sep 18 14:09:47 UTC 2006

Hi Dimitris,

Dimitris Glezos wrote:
> Quoting from fedora-docs-list:
>> ## Theme
>> The artwork team did not respond to my request for a better theme
>> than the current one, so I prepared some themes myself. 

I apologize that the art team did not step up; we are a pretty new team 
at this point and a lot of stuff is unsettled so hopefully next time 
we'll be a bit more organized.

>> I tried my
>> best, given the time I had. I packed their screenshots in a tgz here:
>> http://dimitris.glezos.com/box/foss/fc6-browser-splash-shots.tar.gz
>> I prefer v3b (current live version) and v3d. The DNA theme might be
>> nice, but I prefer the first one because it is more pleasant. I'll
>> send an email to the artwork list for opinions.

v3b looks slick. v3d kind of matches the style of the DNA theme a bit 
more though (I haven't seen any stripes as in v3b in it) but I think it 
could look a bit better with a bit less blur. My attempt attached (it's 
got a bit less blurring going on - it basically just has a drop shadow 
type thing for the blue bar up top.)


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