DNA theme for new FC6 browser splash page

Máirín Duffy duffy at redhat.com
Tue Sep 19 15:01:00 UTC 2006

Diana Fong wrote:
> I don't have a problem with the white border around the fedora symbol 
> and can't find where it is mentioned as "not allowed for in the Fedora 
> brand guidelines."  

I believe it is covered in the clear space section. The white is an 
additional element that does not follow the clear space guidelines.

I have seen many logo guidelines and brandbooks, and in my experience 
outlines around a logomark are not usually kosher without explicitly 
being mentioned as OK to use.

> Though, as Nicu pointed me to, the "Reverse Logotype 
> Color to White" section...but to me that just reads that the font should 
> be changed and the lack of contrast in the logomark was not addressed.  

Then it's a flaw in the guidelines and that should be fixed first.


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