Fedora 10 Media Art Font / editing SVG

Marland V. Pittman marland at mvpittman.com
Wed Dec 31 09:17:23 UTC 2008

Hello Fedora Art people! You rock. I don't want to switch distros, 
because you guys put out open Media that I can use to print my own CDs.

That said, with Fedora 10, I installed a Live CD, and wanted to print a 
disc, but found a couple of issues.

I can print directly to my discs using my Epson Stylus Photo R320 and 
printable CDs, if I get a high resolution rasterized graphic, I can crop 
and print with GIMP/gutenprint and everything is gravy.

However, I like having the architecture printed on the disc, so I can 
tell the difference between my 64-bit and 32-bit discs. I complained 
once, but Mo Duffy politely told me how I can change the SVG text so 
that I can put whatever I want. A simple search and replace was all I 
needed to do. Again, awesome.

However, for Fedora 10, downloading the artwork source, I got scribus, 
which I don't know much about using, but wasn't installed on the Live 
Media. I installed it, but I was kind of lost. I managed to get an SVG 
somehow, and then I was going to print it, but noticed the fonts were 
all wonky.

Is there some font being used that I don't have? Considering this is 
Fedora, surely, it is open and available, I'm guessing I just need to 
install it. I don't know how to do that, or even what I'm looking for, 
but all I really want is to print media art on my discs.

I appreciate any help, and encourage the project to include fonts used 
in the media art with the Live CD. I don't know how big a font is, and I 
know media space is limited, but I really found this disheartening. 
Other than that, keep on rocking.

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