Generic Fedora Poster Designs for Events

Máirín Duffy duffy at
Wed Feb 6 07:28:23 UTC 2008


Joerg Simon pointed out to me the need for generic (e.g., not specific 
to any release or event) and re-usable poster designs for event booths.

I took a stab at a 3-poster series. They are simple designs but maybe 
they would be catchy for an event booth. The palette could definitely 
use tweaking, I am sure there are 3 colors that would work better. I 
think the text is pretty hokey too. Actually, I think as I went along 
each poster's gets hokier and hokier ;-) Anyhow, here they are: (svg in 
same dir)

I think the general layout and approach (1) one fedora idea/principle 
(2) short explanation of what it means for Fedora (3) nice shiny Fedora 
logo could be a good one for the purpose. I think the repetition of 
three similar (but slightly different) posters in the booth would also 
look slick. I designed these posters with the idea that they could be 
roughly 36" x 24". (Standard US poster size, but could easily be tweaked 
for other specific standard sizes near that ratio.)

What do you think?


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